听歌学英语:美国派对 Party In The U.S.A(在线收听

I hopped off the plane at LAX. 我在洛杉矶跳下飞机,

with a dream and my cardigan身上穿着羊毛衫,心里揣着大梦想

Welcome to the land of fame excess, 欢迎来到星光耀眼的城市。

Am I gonna fit in? 我能适应这个地方吗?

Jumped in the cab, 跳上出租车。

Here I am for the first time 洛杉矶我来了。

Look to the right and I see the Hollywood sign 往右一看看到了好莱坞的标志。

This is all so crazy 这一切都太疯狂了。

Everybody seems so famous 每个人看起来象个大明星。

My tummy's turnin and I'm feelin kinda home-sick 有些紧张有点害怕有点想回家。

Too much pressure and I'm nervous, 压力山大,好紧张。

That's when the taxi man turned on the radio 但当出租车司机一打开收音机。

and a Jay Z song was on JAY Z(美国著名黑人rap歌手)一下子听到Jay Z歌的歌。

CHORUS: So I put my hands up there 我不自禁地举起了双手。

They’re playing my song, 他们在放我的歌。

And the butterflys fly away 蝴蝶飞走了。(歌名)

Noddin’ my head like yea 像这样点点我的头!

Movin my hips like yea 像这样扭扭我的臀!

I got my hands up 双手在空中摇摆。

They’re playin my song 他们在播着我的歌。

I know I'm gonna be ok 现在我知道一切都会好好的。

Yea, It's a party in the USA 没错这就是美国的派对。

Yea, It's a party in the USA 没错这就是美国的大联欢。

Get to the club in my taxi cab 乘着我的出租车到了俱乐部。

Everybody's lookin at me now 每个人现在都在看着我。

Like “who's that chick, that's rockin’ kicks? 那个摇滚打扮的小姑娘是谁

She gotta be from out of town” 肯定不是这里的。

So hard without my girls all around me 没有姐妹们陪着我真难熬。

It’s definitely not a Nashville party 这一点不象纳什维尔(地名)的party。

Cause’ all I see are stilettos 因为这的女孩都穿着细高跟鞋。

I guess I never got the memo 我想以前没有人告诉过我这些。

My tummy's turnin and I'm feelin kinda home sick 开始紧张害怕有点想回家。

Too much pressure and I'm nervous 压力好大我也紧张。

That's when the D.J. dropped my favorite tune 当DJ切掉了我最喜欢的歌的时候。

and a Britney song was onand the Britney song was on 换上了一首布兰妮的歌。

and the Britney song was on 播了一首布兰妮的歌。

CHORUS: So I put my hands up there 所以我举起我的手

They’re playing my song, 他们在放着我的歌

And the butterflys fly away 蝴蝶飞走了(歌名)

Noddin’ my head like yea 我点点头像在说对了!

Movin my hips like yea 我手舞足蹈像在说对了!

I got my hands up 我高举双手。

They’re playin my song 他们在播着我的歌。

I know im gonna be ok 我就知道我会没事的。

Yea, It's a party in the USA 没错这就是美国大party。

Yea, It's a party in the USA 没错这就是美国的大联欢。

Feel like hoppin' on a flight (on a flight) Back to my hometown tonight (town tonight) 感觉就像已在回家的飞机上。

Back to my hometown tonight (town tonight) 就在今晚回家的飞机上。

Something stops me everytime (everytime) 总有什么东西在阻止我

The DJ plays my song and I feel alright. DJ放着我的歌我感觉一切都好了


I hopped off the plane at LAX. 我在洛杉矶跳下飞机。

hop[hɑp] vt. 跳跃;跳过

off介词,prep. 离开;脱落

hop off: 跳下; 起飞;离开

Do you know why she hopped off so soon?你知道她为什么那么快就走了吗?

She was not willing to hop off as I drove at the gate of her house.我把车开到她家门口时,她还不肯下车。


The old man had hopped off when the ambulance reached the hospital.当救护车开到医院时,那老人已经死了。

hop-on hop-off tour bus/coach随意行/随乘随下旅游观光巴士;

LAX是Los Angeles International Airport洛杉矶国际机场的代码

Am I gonna fit in? 我能适应这个地方吗?(在这个城市我能混得下去吗?)

转换成陈述句:I am gonna fit in.

gonna: going to

fit:v 使……适应;使……合身;与……相符

fit in 相适应;相融合


She was great with the children and fitted in beautifully.她对小孩很有一套,跟他们相处得十分融洽。

fit:v (尺寸)合身;适合;

I tried the dress on but it didn't fit.我试了下那条裙子,但是不合身。

The key doesn't fit the lock.钥匙打不开这把锁。


Her daughter doesn't fit the current feminine ideal...她女儿并不符合当今的完美女性标准。

adj 适合的;胜任的;健美的;俊美的

You're not fit to be a mother!...你不配做母亲!

About an hour later a really fit guy came up to me on the dance floor.大概过了一个小时,一个长相非常俊美的男人在舞池里向我走过来。

ADJ 就要;快要;简直要

You're shivering fit to die.你抖得很厉害。

Wally was laughing fit to burst...沃利快要笑破肚皮了。

The stink was fit to knock you down.这臭味简直要把人熏倒。

see fit/good: 认为合适,觉得…是适宜的

He's not a friend, you say, yet you saw fit to lend him money.你说他不是朋友,但你却却觉得可以借钱给他。

You can do what you see fit你觉得怎么做合适就怎么做吧

All I see are stilettos 因为这的女孩都穿着细高跟鞋。


Off came her sneakers and on went a pair of stilettos.她脱下运动鞋,穿上一双细高跟鞋。


hard on the heels of another接踵而至

Unfortunately, bad news has come hard on the heels of good.遗憾的是,坏消息紧接着好消息而来。
