乔布斯传 第431期:乔尼·艾弗(3)(在线收听

 After graduation Ive helped to build a design firm in London, Tangerine, which got a consulting contract with Apple. 毕业之后,艾弗和人合伙在伦敦成立了一家名为蜜橘的设计公司,并和苹果公司签订了咨询合同。

In 1992 he moved to Cupertino to take a job in the Apple design department. 1992年,乔尼移居到加州的库比蒂诺,开始在苹果公司的设计部门工作。
He became the head of the department in 1996, the year before Jobs returned, but wasn't happy. 1996年,这一年恰好是乔布斯回归前夕,乔尼成为设计部门的主管,却很不开心。
Amelio had little appreciation for design. 阿梅里奥并不看重设计。
"There wasn't that feeling of putting care into a product, because we were trying to maximize the money we made," Ive said. “没有那种为产品付出心血的感觉,因为我们都在努力扩大利润,”艾弗说,
"All they wanted from us designers was a model of what something was supposed to look like on the outside, “这些髙管只要求我们这些设计师设计产品的外观,
and then engineers would make it as cheap as possible. I was about to quit." 然后工程师再把成本压到最低。我准备辞职了。”
When Jobs took over and gave his pep talk, Ive decided to stick around. 直到乔布斯重新接管苹果之后讲了那一番话,艾弗才决定留下来。
But Jobs at first looked around for a world-class designer from the outside. 起初,乔布斯打算从外面招聘一个世界级的设计师。
He talked to Richard Sapper, who designed the IBM ThinkPad, 他找过IBM ThinkPad笔记本的设计师理查德·萨珀,
and Giorgetto Giugiaro, who designed the Ferrari 250 and the Maserati Ghibli. 还有曾设计过法拉利250和玛莎拉蒂Ghibli一代跑车的乔吉·乔治亚罗。
But then he took a tour of Apple's design studio and bonded with the affable, eager, and very earnest Ive. 后来他去苹果的设计工作室走了一圈,决定跟和蔼热情、为人诚实的艾弗成为搭档。
"We discussed approaches to forms and materials," Ive recalled. “我们讨论了产品在形式和材料方面的种种可能,”艾弗回忆道,
"We were on the same wavelength. I suddenly understood why I loved the company." “我们的看法一致。我突然明白了自己为什么会爱上这家公司。”