经典双语笑话 第21期:一个早熟的小孩(在线收听

 A Precocious Child 一个早熟的小孩

When the door-to-door salesman rang the doorbell of the suburban home, 当挨家挨户兜售东西的推销员按了一幢郊区房子的门铃后,
he was taken a back when a 10-year-old boy opened the door smoking a big cigar. 他吓了一跳,开门的竟是一位嘴里叼着一根大雪茄的十岁男孩。
The salesman could only stammer out, "Er, is your mother at home?" 推销员结结巴巴地问道,“哦,你妈妈在家吗?”
Answered the boy, "What do you think?" 小男孩回答说,"你认为呢?"
1.door-to-door 送货上门地;挨户访问地;按户送达的
例句:Don't fall for the fair words of the door-to-door businessmen.
2.suburban 郊区的,城郊的;土气的;见闻不广的
例句:In this suburban golf course in Beijing, this kind of irrigation happens every day.
3.take a back 使吃惊;使吓一跳;惊吓;使吓呆
例句:American allies are rather take a back by the suddenness of this announcement.
4.stammer out 结结巴巴地请求;断断续续地讲述
例句:His stammer means he can hardly get a word out, and the nation cringes with embarrassment.