经典双语笑话 第22期:城里来的傻瓜(在线收听

 City Suckers 城里来的傻瓜

Two city folk were on a drive in the country, but got completely lost. 两个城市里的老兄在一条乡间小道上开车迷了路,
Pulling over next to an old farmer, they asked him if he knew the way back to the city. 他们把车停靠一位老农夫旁边,问他知不知道回城里的路。
"Nope. Can't say that I do," replied the old hayseed. “不,我不知道,”老农夫答道。
"Well, can you tell us how to get back to the main highway?" “那你知道回到主要公路要怎么走吗?’
"Nope. Don't know that, either. " “不,我也不知道。”
"Well, you sure don't know much, do you?" "喔,你好像不太熟悉这里的路况,是吗?"
" Could be. . . but I ain't lost, neither." “可以这么说,……可是我也不会迷路。”
1.get lost 迷路;走开,滚开
例句:Of course, most men have no interest in being there and that is why they get lost in the aisles.
2.Pull over 把…开到路边;开到路边;靠岸
例句:He noticed a man behind him in a blue Ford gesticulating to pull over.
3.get back 回来;返回;取回;恢复
例句:See if you can figure it out before I get back.
4.main highway 干线公路;主要交通干道;主干线公路
例句:With the main highway cut off, there's no connection to the rest of the country.