经典双语笑话 第25期:特别来宾(在线收听

  A Special Guest 特别来宾

A lawyer finds himself at the Pearly Gates at the same time as the pope. 一位律师发现他和某教宗一起到达天堂的珍珠门,
Both men are allowed to enter heaven, 两个人都被允许进入天堂。
and the lawyer is ensconced in a magnificent mansion. 律师被安置在一间豪华的别墅,
But he sees that the pope is housed in a far more humble dwelling. 但他却见到教宗被安排住在非常简陋的住所。
Unable to restrain his curiosity,the lawyer asks St.Peter about it. 由于好奇心的驱使,律师问圣彼得其中原委。
“Well, you see,” replies St. Peter, "we have dozens of popes up here, but we-ve never had a lawyer before. " “哦,你看我们这里有好几十位教宗,可是你却是第一个上天堂的律师呢!”圣彼得答道。
1.guest 嘉宾;客人
例句:I know to offer a guest tea is a Chinese traditional courtesy.
2.Pearly Gates 珍珠门
例句:Oh, you mean the place with golden street and pearly gates?
3.ensconce 安置;安顿
例句:We have ensconce ourselves in the most beautiful villa in the south of france.
4.restrain 抑制;约束;克制
例句:I must learn to restrain myself, eg not say what I think.