经典双语笑话 第27期:多谢了,班长(在线收听

 Thanks a Lot Sarge 多谢了,班长

The sergeant had just completed the morning inspection of the troops. 一位班长刚完成部队晨间检查。
"Before I dismiss you, there's just one announcement. Private Kowalski, your mother is dead. Dismissed. " “解散之前,有件事要宣布一下,二等兵卡瓦斯基,你母亲已经过世了。解散!”
The soldier was devastated, of course, and the lieutenant was appalled at the sergeant's heartlessness. 当然,那位士兵遭受很大的打击,而排长也讶异于班长的冷酷无情。
"For Heaven' s sake, sergeant, next time you have to inform a trooper of a loved one' s demise,please be a little more subtle," he said. “看在老天的份分上,班长,下次你要告诉弟兄们有亲人死亡时,请多用点技巧,委婉一些,”排长说道。
A few weeks later, sorry to say, the sergeant had another opportunity. 几个礼拜之后,很不幸那位班长又有一次机会。
Lining up his troops, he ordered, "All of you whose mother is still alive, step forward. Not you, Johnson. " 集合了部队,他下口令道:“所有妈妈尚健在的,前进一步。你,约翰逊,除外。”
1.troops 部队;队伍
例句:Our troops were disbursed over a wide area.
2.devastated 破坏;摧残;蹂躏
例句:Wide regions had been systematically devastate by the enemy or pulverised in the encounter of the armies.
3.Lining up 排队
例句:Fans began lining up early in the morning to buy their cup - tie tickets.
4.step forward 向前;进展
例句:We have made a great step forward in our negotiations.