经典双语笑话 第30期:我的牙齿好痛喔(在线收听

 Now That Hurts 我的牙齿好痛喔!

The world's cheapest man finally went to the dentist to have his teeth fixed, 一个非常吝啬的守财奴终于去牙科看牙齿。
"Well, sir," said the dentist, “先生,”牙医说道,
"I'm afraid you've waited too long to get these teeth attended to. They'll all have to come out.” “恐怕你拖得太久了,这些牙齿都要拔掉才行。
"How much will that cost?" inquired the skinflint. “那得花多少钱?,’小气鬼问医生。
"A thousand dollars. " “一千块美金。”
Here 's a hundred ,"said the tightwad ,"Just loosen them up a bit."" “这里是一百块,”吝啬鬼说。“只要稍微把它们松动一点就好。
1.dentist 牙医
例句:I must make an appointment with the dentist.
2.attended to 处理;照顾
例句:Has your business been attended to by her in your absence?
3.inquire 咨询;打听
例句:He was asked to inquire into this matter because it was very unnatural.
4.skinflint 小气鬼;守财奴
例句:There are some who may call you a "skinflint" because you seem too careful with your money.