经典双语笑话 第39期:不要瞎混(在线收听

 No Fooling! 不要瞎混!

"Please be gentle with me, darling," said the bride on her wedding night, "I'm a virgin. " “请对我温柔一些,亲爱的!”新婚之夜新娘对新郎说道。“我是个处女。”
"You're a virgin?" exclaimed her husband with surprise. “你是个处女?”她丈夫吃惊地叫道,
"But you've been married three times. " “可是你已经结过三次婚了啊。”
"That's true dear,but my first husband was an artist and he just wanted to look at my body. “没错,亲爱的,可是我的第一任丈夫是位艺术家,他只想看我的身体。
My second husband was in advertising, and he would only tell me how great it was going to be, 我的第二任丈夫从事广告业,而他只是告诉我那件事会有多美好。
and my third husband was a lawyer and would always say:"I'll get back to you next week." 我的第三任丈夫是位律师,他总是说:‘下星期我就回来看你。”
1.wedding night 新婚之夜
例句:Every minute of the wedding night is precious.
2.virgin 处女;圣女
例句:The spring of the plains is not a reluctant virgin.
3.exclaim 惊呼;惊叹;惊叫
例句:"Oh," she was about to exclaim, but checked herself and allowed her thoughts to die without expression.
4.artist 艺术家
例句:The artist showed us a portfolio of her drawings.