经典双语笑话 第43期:临时改变主意(在线收听

 Change of Plan 临时改变主意

Frank and Fred had received their draft notices on the same day, and neither wanted to enter the army. 法兰克和佛烈德两人同一天收到召集令,两人都不想去服兵役。
But Frank had heard that the army would not accept anyone without teeth,  但法兰克曾经听人说军中不收没有牙齿的人,
so they both had all their teeth pulled. 因此他们两人都把所有的牙齿给拔掉了。
On the day of their medical exam, Frank and Fred got in line, but a huge, hairy, smelly truck driver cut in between them. 在体格检查那天,他们两人排在同一排队伍,可是有一个大块头、满身毛发而且臭味难当的卡车司机插在他们中间。
As Frank got up to the head of the line, he announced to the inspecting sergeant that he had no teeth. 当法兰克排到队伍的前头时,他对检查的班长说他没有牙齿,
The sergeant had Frank open his mouth, ran his forefinger over the raw gums and said, 那名士官要他张开嘴巴,接着用食指在他红肿的牙龈绕了一圈后说道:
"Sure enough, you don't.  “没错,你没牙齿,
You're rejected. " 不用当兵!”
Turning to the truck driver, he asked, 接着轮到卡车司机,士官说:
"What's your problem?" “你有什么问题吗?”
The trucker said, "I've got a tremendous case of the piles. " 卡车司机说道:“我患有严重的痔疮。”
The sergeant had the fellow bend over, inserted his fore finger and rotated it around thoroughly, 班长要那个家伙弯下身去,用他的食指在肛门转了一整圈后说道:
"Sure enough, you've got a bad case.  “没错,你的情形很严重,
Rejected!" 不合格!”
Turning to Fred, the sergeant demanded,  再轮到佛烈德时,班长又问:
"And what's your problem?" “那你的问题是什么?”
Staring at the forefinger, Fred replied,  凝视着他的食指,佛烈德答道:
"Nothing at all, sergeant, nothing at all. " “没什么问题,班长,我一点问题也没有。”
1.on the same day 同一天;
例句:There was a strange fatality about their both losing their jobs on the same day.
他们两人同一天失去工作, 真是天意叵测。
2.medical exam 体检;
例句:When he went for his medical exam, he pretended that his eyesight was very bad.
3.run over 浏览;查看
例句:All the best plays were run over in vain.
4.bend over 弯腰;俯身
例句:My chest pains get worse when I bend over or lie down.