经典双语笑话 第46期:还是家里好(在线收听

 Home Sweet Home 还是家里好

A surgeon returned from a safari in Africa. 一位外科医生刚从非洲狩猎回来。
"How did it go?" asked his colleagues. “这次打猎顺利吗?”同僚问道。
"Oh , it was very disappointing," replied the surgeon. “喔,实在太令人失望了,”外科医生答道。
"I didn't kill a thing.  “我什么也没猎杀到,
In fact, I'd have been better off staying here in the hospital. " 实际上,还是待在医院里比较有成就感。”
1.safari 旅行;狩猎远征
例句:A team of african bearer come with us on safari.
2.return from 从某地返回
例句:She brooded on what to do if her son did not return from the war.
3.in fact 事实上;实际上
例句:He's not at all exciting, in fact he's really rather commonplace.
他毫不出奇, 实际上他平庸得很。
4.better off 富裕的;状况良好的
例句:Can any shift in the use of resources make some individuals better off?