经典双语笑话 第49期:谁在放屁(在线收听

 Okay, Who Cut the Cheesee? 谁在放屁?

A young man was visiting his girlfriend's parents for the first time. 有位年轻人第一次去拜访女朋友的父母亲。
He had been quite nervous about it,  他好紧张,
and his nervousness was manifesting itself as gastric distress. 紧张到肠胃不舒服。
Agonizingly, he felt the urgent need to release some intestinal gas. 令人苦恼的是,他急着要排除肠内的空气。
Surreptitiously, he emitted a "silent but deadly. " 于是他放了个臭得要命的闷屁。
"Rover! " the girlfriend's mother admonished. “路宝!”女朋友的妈妈警告家里的狗。
The young man realized that the family dog was sitting under his chair,  那个老兄知道他女朋友家的狗就坐在他椅子下,
and saw a way out of his difficultieis. 想出了一个解决难题的方法来。
Desperately seeking relief, he let out a Larger hooter. 他急于舒解,便放了一个更大的响屁。
"Rover!" shouted the mother. “路宝!”妈妈又一次叫着她家的狗。
Thinking his problems were over for sure,  年轻人以为他的问题已经结束了,
the young guy emitted a real window rattler. 于是他放了一个连窗户都为之振动的大响屁。
"Rover ! " cried the mother,  “路宝!”妈妈喊道,
"Get over here before he shits on you." “快过来这边,免得他在你身上拉屎!”
1.cut the cheese 放屁
例句:He cut the cheese, so everyone left the room.
2.urgent need 迫切需要;急需
例句:He swiftly dismissed the kaleidoscope of memory, oppressed by the urgent need of the present.
3.gastric distress 肠胃不适;胃痛
例句:Avoid carbonated beverages which, when coupled with stress, increase stomach bloating and gastric distress and decrease alertness.
4.see a way 找到方法;想出主意
例句:Do you see a way of getting round the problem?