经典双语笑话 第57期:同病相怜(在线收听

 We're in the Same Boat 同病相怜

The young man was terribly self-conscious because he had a wooden eye. 一位年轻人因为他有只木制的眼睛而感到非常自卑。
His friends would often invite him to dance parties, 他的朋友常会邀请他参加舞会,
but he could never work up the courage to ask a girl to dance. 但他从没能鼓起勇气邀请女孩子跳舞。
But then, one evening, he spotted a girl with a wooden leg sitting sadly by herself. 有一晚,他却不经意看见一位装了一只木制义肢的女孩独自伤心地坐在角落。
Apprehensively, he walked up to her and asked, 他很谨慎地走向她问道:
"Would you like to dance?" “你要不要跳舞呀?”
"Would I? ! " she exclaimed. “我要不要? ”她惊叫。
"Oh, yeah? Well, you've got a wooden leg!" “哦,怎么了?你有一只木制的义肢(而我有一只木制的假眼,咱们应是天生的一对嘛!)。”
1.Same Boat 同病相怜;相同遭遇
例句:Of course. We're in the same boat for two terms.
2.self-conscious 自觉地;自发的
例句:He was keenly sensitive, hopelessly self-conscious.
3.work up 逐步建立;激发
例句:The speaker was determined to work up the feelings of his audience.
4.walked up to 走向;走近
例句:A stranger walked up to me and asked me the time.