经典双语笑话 第61期:骄傲的老爸(在线收听

 A Proud Father 骄傲的老爸

The concerned father was puzzled because his son s grades had been dropping steadily while he was at college, 一位关心儿子的老爸对于念大学的儿子成绩每况愈下一直想不懂,
so he called the dean to find out what was wrong. 因此他拜访了学院的院长,想了解究竟问题在哪里。
"Well, sir," replied the dean, who always tried to be diplomatic, 说话总是讲求圆滑的院长回答说:
"I've got some good news and some bad news. “先生,我有好消息和坏消息要告诉你。
The bad news is that your son's become the most flagrant homosexual on campus, 坏消息是令郎乃是闻名校内的同性恋者,
and spends all his time chasing after the lads on the football and basketball teams. " 他成天只知道追求足球队和篮球队的男孩子。
"My God, that's horrible!" “我的老天爷,太可怕了!”
"But the good news is he's just been elected Queen of the Homecoming Parade ! " “但好消息是他刚被选为欢迎球队返校游行的皇后!”
1.the dean 系主任;院长
例句:Did you make the Dean' s list?
2.find out 找出;查明;发现
例句:I shall make it my business to find out who is responsible.
3.flagrant homosexual 公开的同性恋者;出柜的同性恋
例句:I never knew he was a closet queen, ie homosexual.
4.chase after 追逐;追赶;追求
例句:I couldn't chase after them because they were running too fast.