经典双语笑话 第64期:真是恩爱的一对(在线收听

 How Sweet! 喔,真是恩爱的一对!

Two women friends were having tea. 两个女人正在喝茶,
Said one to the other, 其中一位对另一位说道:
"I've been trying to reach my lawyer for a week ... " “我已经花了一个礼拜找我的律师...。”
"Oh, please don't mention lawyers to me" interrupted the recent widow, “哦,拜托别再向我提律师的事了,”那位刚死去丈夫的女人插嘴道,
I've had so much trouble settling my husbands estate that I sometimes wish he hadn't died! " “我在处理我先生遗留的房地产时遭遇到好多麻烦,有时候我真希望他没死就好了。
1.the other 其他的;另一个
例句:I let the other two girls go.
2.try to do 试图;尝试
例句:From now on, we will try to do better.
3.sometimes 有时;间或
例句:Sometimes, things just don't happen the way you want them to.
4.have trouble in 遇到困难;事情不顺
例句:Have you run into any trouble in the Customs?