英语悠选脱口秀 第115期:坏记忆消除橡皮(在线收听


Today's key word is Eraser
Eraser E-r-a-s-e-r
An eraser is an object which is used for removing something that has been written using a pencil or a pen.
Here is an example:
You used to ask me for half of the eraser.
你从前总是很小心 问我借半块橡皮(同桌的你 歌词)
今天我们说的这块橡皮叫做bad memory eraser。
Do you have memories that you want to erase? Those sad, hurtful, painful memories, you wish you didn't remember, you wish they never happened. Everybody has their own special memories.这些记忆有些快乐,有些平淡,有些悲伤。大多数的记忆,都会成为我们生命中的过客,成为白发后的一抹微笑。
But some memories are just too strong to fade. They are there, in the corner of your heart. Like this boy,He was 10 years old.
刚刚上小学的他因为皮肤黑被同学欺负。His books were found in the bathroom. Trash was often put under his desk. He was hit by stones.
就这样被欺负被孤立 一天又一天,一年又一年。突然有一天,他再也撑不下去了。He quit school. 他患上了恐慌障碍和抑郁症。
He has to take drugs to control his emotions. After years of therapy, He is now a young man who is pursuing his dream of becoming a photographer. When asked "do you want to erase some of you memories?" He said "Yes".
He wrote these memories on a piece of paper and use the bad memory eraser erasing all the words on the paper. He hopes in this way, all the bad memories can also go away. And he wants to tell people be brave.
你有没有想要擦除的记忆?Do you have the memories that you wish you could delete? Do you want to have a bad memory eraser?