英语悠选脱口秀 第123期:你想和机器人谈恋爱吗?(在线收听


Today's key word is microchip
microchip m-i-c-r-o-c-h-i-p
A microchip is a very small piece of silicon(硅) inside a computer. It has electronic circuits(电路) on it and can hold large quantities大量的 of information.
Here is an example:
A microchip is embedded in the center paper of the new generation of passports. 
Talking about microchips, would you like to date someone who is controlled by a microchip? In another word a robot!
不久前,英国一个机构做了一个调查。It asked young people in the UK, if you looked into a crystal ball (水晶球) to predict(预测) your future, would you see yourself in a relationship with a robot?
话说,英国青少年作为英国最有威胁性的人群果然很open. The research has found that one in four young people in the UK would happily date a robot.4分之1 的英国骚年都非常乐意跟机器人约会!
The only condition is that they must look like a real-life human being.
Besides, the research also found that half of Brits英国人 who already use contactless bank cards would be happy to have microchips implanted植入 under their skin to open doors or log on at work.
If we have microchips under our skin, we can just swipe our hand and pay for the food at the supermarket, and when we get home, the door will open automatically. It sounds really cool!
哈哈,但是有一件事情,估计全人类都不会作出改变的。In this research , nearly 80% said they don’t want to swap their dinner for a pill.用一片药来替代美食,I definitely do not agree with it!
What do you think the future will be like?你想象中的未来是什么样子的呢?Would you like to date a robot?
Talk to you next time!