英语悠选脱口秀 第134期:喝茶还是喝咖啡(在线收听


Today's key word is Versus
Versus V-e-r-s-u-s
我们经常用到的VS的全称就是Versus. It is a Latin word meaning 'against'. Normally, we use versus to show that two ideas or things are opposed(对立的).
Here is an example:
It is France versus Brazil in the final.
今天我们要说的Tea Versus Coffee. Tea VS Coffee 你更喜欢喝茶还是喝咖啡?
In your opinion which one is healthier?
For those who love drinking tea:
Tea has a very long history in China. It is not only a simple drink; it also is a traditional culture!
Besides, there is plenty of research showing that drinking tea can actually improve your health.
喝茶不光可以补充水分,对身体也是大有好处啊!Tea contains antioxidants。 茶的抗氧化作用对女孩儿尤其好。
Antioxidants help to keep us young and protect us from damage from pollution. 而且,茶的味道也很好啊。
When you feel nervous, have a cup of warm green tea; When you ate too much at lunch, have a cup of Pu'er tea;
When you got too hot in summer, have a cup of cold chrysanthemum tea.菊花茶。
In a word, all your needs can be fulfilled by different kinds of tea. And tea tastes much better than bitter coffee.
But for those who can't live without coffee. Coffee is the wake-up call.
For most of the coffee lovers, the caffeine kick is the primary reason we choose this beverage.
When you feel difficult to wake up in the morning, a cup of black coffee can help you get ready in a minute.
And did you see those street snapshots of American stars? A huge cup of coffee is the newest and coolest accessory.
Black coffee, Cappuccino, Latte 或者在甜甜的冰淇淋上浇上意式咖啡而做成的Affogato.