英语悠选脱口秀 第143期:前任的婚礼要去参加吗(在线收听


Today's key words are ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriend!
ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriend
前女友 前男友
Ex-girlfriend is the girl you dated, but no longer has romantic relationship with.
Here is an example:
My ex-boyfriend is a nice guy, but we just don't have that chemistry.
Should you go to your ex's wedding? It is debatable, so let's talk!
For those who will go to their ex's wedding:
Why not?
If your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend invites you to his or her wedding, you definitely should say yes!
But there are different tips.
If you still see him as a friend, just go to the wedding as a friend.
But if you just hate him, you should go to the wedding as well. Put on your most sexy beautiful outfit, bring you brightest smile with you.
不要怕别人所谓的闲言碎语,Be yourself。前任的婚礼是证明自己没有他过的也很好的一个非常好的机会!
But for those who don't want to attend ex's wedding.
If somebody tells you that you can still be friend with your ex. He is lying!
No one can be friend with their ex, no one!
You were in love with her or him, but both of you have to move on.
So there is no reason to go to the wedding if you two are no longer friend. Right?
And think about it, if you are there in the wedding ceremony, your mutual friends will definitely ask you about your feelings. It is annoying!