英语悠选脱口秀 第145期:要不要给乞丐钱(在线收听


Today's key word is beggar
beggar b-e-g-g-a-r
A beggar is someone who lives by asking people for money or food.
Here is an example:
He offered 10 yuan to the beggar.
So what do you think or feel about beggars on the street? Will you give them money?
Or you think they are just too lazy? It is debatable, so let's talk!
For those who will give beggar money when they see them on the street.
Those beggars live a miserable life on the street.
They just need some help.
But that money could make a great deal of difference to the beggars.
These poor people are just like you and me. They just haven't had the luck in life.
But for those who says no to beggars:
Begging for money is like a disease, some people think it is the easiest way to make money.
So if you give money to them, it is like you are helping spreading the disease.
When you give money to beggars, you have no idea about how they will spend the money.
Therefore, it is much better to directly give them food or clothes.
So what's your opinion?