英语PK台 第454期:别熬夜了,缺觉危害大!(在线收听

   We're only beginning to understand why we sleep to begin with, but we do know it's essential. Adults need 7 to 8 hours sleep at night, and adolescents need about 10. We grow sleepy due the signals from our body telling our brain we are tired, and signals from the environment telling us it's dark outside. The rise in sleep inducing chemicals, like adenosine and melatonin, send us into a light dose that grows deeper, making our breathing and heart rate slow down and our muscles relax. This non REM sleep is when DNA is repaired and our bodies replenish themselves for the day ahead.

  In the United States, it's estimated that 30% of adults and 66% of adolescents are regularly sleep-deprived. This isn't just a minor inconvenience. Staying awake can cause serious bodily harm. When we lose sleep, learning, memory, mood, and reaction time are affected. Sleeplessness may also cause inflammation, hallucinations, high blood pressure, and it's even been linked to diabetes and obesity.
  In 2014, a devoted soccer fan died after staying awake for 48hrs to watch the world cup. While his untimely death was due to a stroke, studies show that chronically sleeping fewer than 6 hours a night increasing stroke risk by 4.5 times, compared to those getting consistent 7 to 8 hours of shut-eye.
  How can sleep deprivation cause such immense suffering? Scientists think the answer lies with the accumulation of waste products in the brain. During our waking hours, our cells are busy using up our day's energy sources, which get broken down into various by-products, including adenosine. As adenosine builds up, it increases the urge to sleep, also known as sleep pressure. In fact, caffeine works by blocking adenosine receptor pathways. Other waste products also build up in the brain, and if they're not cleared away, they collectively overload the brain and our thought to lead to the many negative symptoms of sleep deprivation.
  So what's happening in our brain when we sleep, to prevent this? Scientists found something called the Glymphatic System, a clean-up mechanism that removes this build up and is much more active when we're asleep. It works by using cerebrospinal fluid to flush away toxic by-products that accumulate between cells. Lymphatic vessels, with serve as pathways for immune cells have recently been discovered in the brain, and they may also play a role in clearing out the brain's daily waste products.
  While scientists continue exploring the restorative mechanisms behind sleep, we can be sure that sleeping into slumber is a necessity, if we wanna maintain our health and our sanity.