英语PK台 第546期:好玩的手游,根本停不下来(在线收听

   Dialogue 1

  Jingjing visits Mark where he works
  Mark: Hey Jingjing, I didn't see you come in.
  Jingjing: Are you busy? I could come back a little later.
  Mark: Not exactly. I'll be just a couple minutes. Have a seat.
  Jingjing: OK, no rush.
  Mark: Sorry about that. I was in the middle of a game on my phone.
  Jingjing: You kept me waiting to play a game on your phone?
  Mark: Well, I wouldn't usually, but this was a multiplayer game, kind of a tournament. My team has one a week, and I do two rounds.
  Jingjing: Oh, I see. So you didn't want to let your teammates down.
  Mark: Yeah. Since you're my good friend, I bet you understand.
  Jingjing: I understand that smartphone games are catching on. But you know real life is more important, right?
  Mark: Ha ha, of course it is. That's why I only play simple games that take a few minutes at a time.
  Jingjing: What are your three favourite games?
  Mark: Hmm, Clash of Clans, Boom Beach, and Clash Royale.
  Jingjing: Okay, and who are the prime ministers of the UK, Canada, and Australia?
  Mark: Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, ...and... Malcolm Turnbull.
  Jingjing: Well, you're off the hook, I guess. I thought you might not know as much about the world as you know about games on your phone.
  Mark: Uh, I had to look one up on my phone just now. Luckily I wasn't playing a game.
  Jingjing: You cheater!
  New words: 习语短语:
  I'll be just a couple minutes. 稍等我几分钟,很快就好
  I'm too busy to pay attention to you, but will be free in two minutes or so.
  (alternately, I'll just be a minute, I'll just be five minutes, etc.)
  in the middle of busy with 正忙着做某事
  (a meeting, a phone call, a big project, etc)
  tournament 一系列打升级的游戏
  a series of games played for rank
  catching on 变得更加流行
  becoming more popular
  off the hook
  no longer in trouble
  (also means no longer responsible for or blamed for)
  Dialogue 2
  the same day, after work
  Jingjing: Did you get much done today?
  Mark: Yeah, our team won the tournament. And I finished editing those articles I had to do.
  Jingjing: Well, that sounds like a good balance of work and play.
  Mark: For me, a short game on my phone breaks up the monotony of work, especially in the afternoon when it's easy to feel sleepy.
  Jingjing: You could try standing up and walking around for a while, or going out and buying some fresh fruit. Be careful not to become addicted to smartphone games.
  Mark: Do you think that's an actual thing—smartphone game addiction, or computer game addiction?
  Jingjing: I read that it's similar to gambling addiction, even though it's not considered by professionals to be a mental disorder. In my book, people who don't do enough things in real life, and care more about their in-game achievements, are game addicts.
  Mark: Sounds like you've got it figured out. I heard about one guy who was playing an augmented reality game and walked into a restricted part of a courthouse.
  Jingjing: What happened to him?
  Mark: He was following the game, I guess, and ignored the signs and security guards. So, he got arrested.
  Jingjing: Good thing it was a courthouse and not an army base.
  Mark: Yeah, I don't think he got into too much trouble. But it goes to show what could go wrong if you pay attention to your phone instead of real life.
  Jingjing: I think the worst thing is to play games when you're supposed to be working.
  Mark: Games are fun, and they give a happy sense of accomplishment when work might drag on. But if you've ever lost all your progress in a game and had to start over, you've probably realized how meaningless smartphone games are.
  Jingjing: That's a good way of putting it.
  New words: 习语短语:
  get much done 完成了大部分工作
  accomplish much, finish much work
  monotony 单调的,无聊的,乏味的
  a boring situation
  an actual thing 真实的情况
  a real condition (In this case, smartphone/computer game addiction is not a diagnosable disorder according to the DSM-IV.)
  in-game achievements 游戏成就
  Scores and prizes in games, especially those that are published on leaderboards or result in changes to the user's status
  Augmented reality AR实景
  computer-generated images/sounds are added to real scenery when seen through a mobile phone camera (An example of an augmented reality game is Pokémon GO, by Niantic, which has 65 million users and has led people to collectively walk the distance to Pluto.)
  drag on 拖沓,延长
  take a long time, without being interesting