英语PK台 第578期:解锁英语标点符号正确用法(4)(在线收听


  1. 汉语中某些标点符号英语没有。
  She slowly, carefully, deliberately moved the box.
  Hamlet / Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》
  Winter's Tale / Winter's Tale 《冬天的童话》
  The New York Times / The New York Times 《纽约时报》
  (3)间隔号(?):汉语有间隔号,用在月份和日期、音译的名和姓等需要隔开的词语的正中间,如“一二?九”、“奥黛丽?赫本(人名)”等。英语中没有汉语的间隔号,如:William Wordsworth。
  2. 英语中某些标点符号汉语没有。
  (3)斜线号—Virgule or Slash(/):
  该符号主要起分割作用,如It could be for staff and / or students. 也常用于标音,如bed /bed/。
  3. 某些符号在汉英两种语言中的形式不同。
  (1) 顿号、书名号、句号、省略号错误。比较中英文标点符号可见,英文标点中没有中文形式的顿号、书名号、句号和省略号。而这四种标点符号成了大学英语写作中“借鉴频率较高的符号。如:
  (错误)1. While she is reading《Gone With the Wind》, I am cooking。
  (错误)2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me, such as banana、orange、apple and pear.
  (修改)1. While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (印刷体)
  (修改)2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me, such as banana, orange , apple and pear.
  (2) 冒号错误。冒号是中英文兼有的标点符号。在汉语中,冒号是表示提示性话语之后的停顿,常用在“说、道、讲、问、唱、回答、喊、吼”等动词的后边,以标明下面的话是谁说的。在英文表达中,“for example”(例如) 一类的词后常用逗点代替冒号。此用法影响下列英文句子标点:
  (错误)3. I thought to myself: "What kind of trap is she laying?"
  (错误)4. He asked: "Where are you from?"
  (错误)5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example: a person with good manners is kind and helpful to others.
  (修改)3. I thought to myself, "What kind of trap is she laying?"
  (修改)4. He asked, "Where are you from?"
  (修改)5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example, a person with good manners is kind and helpful to others.
  (错误)6. We are studying and living at the famous university—Beijing University.
  (修改)6. We are studying and living at the famous university, Beijing University.
  (1) 把非限制性定语从句 (non-restrictive attributive clause) 理解成限制性定语从句(restrictive attributive clause) 而忽略用逗点。如:
  (错误)7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop that was divided into two parts.
  从句意来看,上句是一个非限制性定语从句,故应在shop 后加逗点,把that 相应改成which
  (修改)7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop, which was divided into two parts.
  (2) 不论状语从句在整个句子中处于何种位置,一概以逗点隔开。
  (错误)8. We will go there, if it is fine tomorrow.
  (修改)8. If it is fine tomorrow , we will go there. 或We will go there if it is fine tomorrow.
  (3) 误把however, therefore, because, thus 等起联系作用的副词当成并列连词,导致写作中的逗号粘连 (comma splice) 错误。
  (错误)10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right, however, she didn't care for that.
  两个完整的句子或两个并列句之间不能一概用逗点点开,可用句号、分号或在逗点后加并列连词 (and, but, or, for, so, nor, yet) 等方法修改。
  (修改)10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right. However, she didn't care for that.
  或 She thought what the teacher pointed out was right; however, she didn't care for that.
  或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right, but she didn't care for that.
  (4) 两个并列的形容词间以and 代替逗点。
  (错误)12. Through the window, in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely, hard childhood
  (修改)12. Through the window, in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely and hard childhood.
  As the saying goes, "No pain, no gain."
  (错误)14. Glancing through the essay entitled "Why Not More?", Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.
  (修改)14. Glancing through the essay entitled "Why Not More?," Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully.