美国学生历史 第104期:1812年战争的原因(4)(在线收听

   251. The Outrage on the Chesapeake, 1807. 251.切萨皮克之辱(1807年)

  The British now added to the anger of the Americans by impressing seamen from the decks of an American warship. 此时,英国人进一步激怒美国人,他们从美国军舰上掠来一些海员,并在这些人的脸上打上印记。
  The frigate Chesapeake left the Norfolk navy yard for a cruise. "切萨皮克号"巡洋舰离开诺福克海军造船厂去巡航,
  At once the British vessel Leopard sailed toward her and ordered her to stop. 英国的"野豹号"军舰立刻向这艘巡洋舰驶来并命令它停下来,
  As the Chesapeake did not stop, the Leopard fired on her. "切萨皮克号"不停,英国军舰就向它开炮。
  The American frigate was just setting out, and everything was in confusion on her decks. 当时美国的这艘巡洋舰刚刚开始航行,甲板上一片混乱,
  But a coal was brought from the cook's stove, and one gun was fired. 但还是有人从船上的膳食房的火炉中取出一块煤点燃引线还击一炮。
  Her flag was then hauled down. 随后,"切萨皮克号"的旗子被拉下来,
  The British came on board and seized four seamen, who they said were deserters from the British navy. 英国人登上巡洋舰并掠走了四名海员,他们说这四个人是英国海军的叛逃分子。
  This outrage aroused tremendous excitement. 这种侮辱行为引起了美国人的极大愤慨,
  Jefferson ordered all British warships out of American waters and forbade the people to supply them with provisions, water, or wood. 杰斐逊命令所有的英国军舰离开美国海域,并禁止人们向这些军舰提供粮食、水或木材。
  The British offered to restore the imprisoned seamen and ordered out of American waters the admiral under whose direction the outrage had been done. 英国主动提出归还被囚禁的海员,并命令指挥侮辱美国人的舰队司令离开美国水域,
  But they would not give up impressment. 但英国人不会放弃"强制征兵"。
  252. Madison elected President, 1808. 252.麦迪逊当选总统(1808年)
  There is nothing in the Constitution to limit the number of times a man may be chosen President. 在美国宪法中没有限定一个人可以多少次被选为总统,
  Many persons would gladly have voted a third time for Jefferson. 许多人愿意第三次选举杰斐逊为总统,
  But he thought that unless some limit were set, the people might keep on reflecting a popular and successful President term after term. 但是,杰斐逊认为,除非做出一定的限制,人们可以一届接一届地重复选举同一个受欢迎且成功的总统,
  This would be very dangerous to the republican form of government. 而这对于共和政府而言是非常危险的。
  So Jefferson followed Washington's example and declined a third term, Washington and Jefferson thus established a custom that has ever since been followed. 因此,杰弗逊效仿华盛顿谢绝连任。这样,华盛顿和杰斐逊给出一个惯例,这个惯例为后来当选的总统所遵从。
  The Republicans voted for James Madison, and he was elected President (1808). 共和党人选举詹姆斯o麦迪逊,他被选举为总统。