英语PK台 第724期:川航惊魂,致敬英雄机长(在线收听

 Dialogue 1

Jingjing: Hey Mark, did you hear about the plane that almost crashed?
Mark: Which one? You mean the flight in China that was saved by the captain?
Jingjing: Yeah, Captain Liu. He's a hero. Last week, it was all over the media.
Mark: It's a good thing he had his seatbelt on.
Jingjing: It sure is. I read that the flight had reached a cruising altitude, and they were already starting meal service in the cabin.
Mark: Wow, it's pretty rare for things to go wrong at that time in a flight. Luckily, the captain responded quickly and landed the plane safely.
Jingjing: He had to land the plane manually. The plane was headed for Lhasa. But they had to do an emergency landing in Chengdu.
Mark: The flight was out of Chongqing, wasn't it?
Jingjing: That's right. So, they didn't get very far.
Mark: I read another story last month about a Southwest Airlines flight that had a similar problem. Someone got sucked halfway out of the plane.
Jingjing: Was it a passenger? Were they okay?
Mark: He was injured in the flight, and died later. But, you know, it's not like in the movies. It just takes a few seconds for the air pressure to equalize; and there's usually not enough force to propel a person very far.
Jingjing: That's a relief. Whenever I hear a loud noise on a flight—usually just the landing gear or something—I worry that a hole is going to appear near my seat and take a bunch of people out.
Mark: Well, that's not very likely. But every time something goes seriously wrong on a flight, it's a frightening reminder for everyone who travels by air.
Jingjing: I'm going to look up some facts on the Web about that stuff. See you later this afternoon.
New words: 习语短语
cruising altitude 飞机的巡航高度
the distance above sea level ideal for long-range flight (~35,000 feet)
cabin 机舱
the part of a plane for passengers and crew
manually (adverb) 手动操作地
controlled by a human, rather than automated
landing gear 起落架
the wheels, etc, of a plane
Dialogue 2
Mark: Well, Jingjing, did you spend all afternoon researching plane crashes?
Jingjing: Naw, I just spent a few minutes before buckling down to work. But I did get some fun facts.
Mark: Oh yeah, what'd you find out?
Jingjing: The odds of a flight crashing are 1 in 270,417.
Mark: Really, that doesn't sound so bad.
Jingjing: Someone has to take 187,438 flights in order for their odds to reach 50%.
Mark: I'll trust your math on that. Just for comparison, did you look up auto fatalities?
Jingjing: I did. 88 people die in car accidents for every one person who dies in a commercial flight.
Mark: Yikes, now I'll be more careful than ever crossing the street.
Jingjing: Yeah, and buckle up when you ride in a car. Hey, back to the topic of air travel: did you see the movie Sully?
Mark: Yeah, I loved that movie! I saw it the day it opened in theaters, September 9 last year, and again on the internet when I found the video.
Jingjing: I thought that was a very well-made movie. Clint Eastwood directed it.
Mark: Yeah, I'm a fan of all of his work. It was great to see Tom Hanks and Aaron Eckhart.
Jingjing: Maybe they'll make a movie about Captain Liu.
Mark: I'd see that. We need more stories to be told about real heroes.
New words: 习语短语
buckling down to work 开始专注工作
focusing, going to work for several hours uninterrupted
auto fatalities 车祸致死率
deaths caused by cars (including passengers and pedestrians killed)
commercial flight 非军用或体育类普通飞行,民用飞行
regular air travel (not military or sports)
buckle up 系好安全带
wear a seat belt