英语PK台 第734期:Logo设计与商标文化(在线收听

 Logo Design

Dialogue 1
Jingjing: What's happening, Mark. Did you go shopping earlier today?
京晶: 怎么,马克,你今天早些时候去购物了吗?
Mark: Actually, no. I'm just using this bag to carry my stuff.
马克: 并没有啦,我只是用这个购物袋装点自己的东西。
Jingjing: Oh. Well, that's kind of a cool logo there on the bag. I haven't seen it before.
京晶: 哦。袋子上的商标设计很酷,我怎么以前没见过呀。
Mark: That's just the logo for the supermarket where I got this bag. Yeah, it is pretty cool.
马克: 那只是我去的一家超市的标志。确实很酷。
Jingjing: I sometimes think about what makes a good logo.
京晶: 我有时会想,到底什么样的商标才算是好的。
Mark: So do I. That's a good topic.
马克: 我也是。这是个好话题。
Jingjing: Until a few years ago, most companies in China just used their names.
京晶: 直到几年前,中国的大多数公司还只是仅有名称(没有商标)。
Mark: It's a pretty new thing to have logos that can be recognized without a company name.
马克: 不展示名称、仅通过商标就能识别一家公司还是一件很新的事情。
Jingjing: Companies are learning that a good logo needs to be simple, related to the business they do, and attractive.
京晶: 现在很多公司都逐渐意识到,一个好的商标应该简洁明了,与他们的业务直接相关,而且还要有吸引力。
Mark: Speaking of attractive, I remember reading an article about kids tested for spelling and logos. They could write Esprit with the three lines for the "E" and yet couldn't spell words like "spirit", "sight" and "sprint".
马克: 说到吸引力,我记得我读过一篇关于孩子们被测试拼写和商标的文章。他们可以写出Esprit这个品牌且用三条横线代表其中 “E”这个字母(Esprit是美国休闲服装品牌,其商标中的“E”是用三条横线体现的),但却不能拼写“spirit”、“sight”和“sprint”等词。
Jingjing: I don't know if good logos take away from people's ability to spell. But it goes to show that a good logo sticks in people's minds.
京晶: 我不确定好的标识是否会影响人们的拼写能力。但它的确表明,一个好的商标会让人容易记住。
Mark: That's right. And they're valuable too. Did you know the Nike logo is worth $26 billion?
马克: 没错,而且商标也很有价值。你知道耐克的商标价值260亿美元吗?
Jingjing: That's the value of the logo alone?
京晶: 这是商标本身的价值吗?
Mark: You got it.
马克: 没错。
Jingjing: Wow!
京晶: 哇!
New words: 习语短语
logo 商标,徽标
a symbol used by a company along with their name (like the Nike "swoosh"), or a special way of writing their name (as with Coca-Cola)
take away from 减少
go to show 使清楚、明晰
make clear, demonstrate
stick in people's minds 容易记住
easily remembered
Dialogue 2
Mark: Jingjing, have you ever tried making a logo for a company?
马克: 京晶,你试过为一家公司设计商标吗?
Jingjing: Yes, I have. I've got a bit of a flair for graphic design.
京晶: 是的,我在平面设计方面还有点天分。
Mark: Were any of your designs used?
马克: 那你有设计被实际应用吗?
Jingjing: One or two. They're not very big companies.
京晶: 有一两个吧。但他们不是很大型的公司。
Mark: Still, it must make you proud to know your work is out there. Tell me how you go about designing a logo.
马克: 即便如此,知道你的设计正在某处展示着,也一定让你感到很骄傲吧。跟我说说你是如何设计商标的吧。
Jingjing: Ok, so let's use that hippo on your shopping bag as an example.
京晶: 好,那我们就拿你购物袋上河马的图标作为例子吧。
Mark: Yeah, it passes the test in terms of being simple and attractive.
马克: 它符合了简洁明了和吸引人的要求。
Jingjing: Right, so I'd take a picture of a hippo from the Internet, or draw one with a pen. Then I'd go over it with a draw program I have on my PC.
京晶: 嗯,在设计这样一个商标之前,我可以在网上找个河马的图像拍个照,或者自己用钢笔画一只。然后我会在电脑上使用一个绘制程序加以润色。
Mark: Do you use Photoshop?
马克: 你是用Photoshop吗?
Jingjing: For photos, yes, but not for design. I have a draw program. It lets me use any picture as a base, and then draw shapes over it.
京晶: 为了处理照片时会,但为了设计不会。我有一个绘制程序。它能容许我以任何图片作为基础,然后在上面勾勒出图形。
Mark: So you'd put together shapes to make the hippo?
马克: 就是说你会通过绘制图形拼出一个河马的造型来?
Jingjing: That's right. I'd try to do it with as few lines as possible.
京晶: 没错。我会尽可能用最少的线条完成。
Mark: Wow, that sounds pretty cool.
马克: 哇,听起来很酷。
New words: 习语短语
a flair for 有兴趣并做某事有天赋
interest in and talent at doing something