刘毅词汇 5000 lesson 17(在线收听



1.Blunder n.错误 同:mistake

It was his great blunder to have ordered the soldiers to attack the enemy in the daytime.

2.Brink n.边缘 同:verge

He fell over the brink of the cliff, but he was only slightly hurt.

3.Cab n.计程车 同:taxi

It is very hard to catch a cab in the rush hour.

4.Cast v.掷;抛 同:fling

The fisherman cast their nets into the sea.

5.Component n.成分 同:ingredient

A chemist can separate a medicine into its components.

6.Convention n. 1.习俗 同:custom 2.会议

It is a matter of convention that men should open doors for ladies.

Businessmen attended conventions to learn of new developments and products.

7.Expel v.驱逐 同:banish

A pupil who cheats or steals may be expelled from school.

8.Notable adj.显著的 同:remarkable

China has made notable development since 1978.

9.Spectacle n. 1.景象 同:sight 2.(复数)眼镜

The sunrise as seen from the top of the mountain was a great spectacle.

The old man bought a new pair of spectacles.

10.Tackle n. 1.用具 同:equipment v. 2.捕捉

He bought some fishing tackle in the store.

The robber tried to run away, but a brave man ran and tackled him.

11.Throng n.群众 同:crowd

At the railroad station I saw throngs of passengers waiting for their trains.

12.Waver v.摆动 同:sway

As I opened the window, the flame waved and then went out.

13.Affirmative adj.肯定的 反:negative

Her final answer to my question would be affirmative.

14.Amid prep.在其中 反:around

The woman teacher stood amid the crowd of little children.

15.Appease v.使平静 反:stir

The angry man was not appeased until I said I was sorry.

16.Eternal adj.永恒的 反:momentary

Most religionsn the world promise eternal life after one’s death.

17.Gallant adj. 1.勇敢的 反:timid 2.壮丽的

Mr. Johnson was one of the most gallant soldiers in our unit during World War II.

Our garden was is gallant with roses and tulips.

18.Gratify v.使满足 反:disappoint

Now that she has a job in France, she can gratify her desire to see Paris.

19.Petty adj.细小的 反:significant

The children’s quarrels usually concern a petty problem.

20.Sturdy adj.坚强的 反:weak

Children need sturdy clothes, because they like to play so violently.

21.Tropical adj.热带的;很热的 反:polar

It is very hard to work in such tropical weather.

22.Zoology n.动物学 反:botany

Zoology and botany(植物学) are the two main branches of biology(生物学).

23.Administer v.管理

In the United States, the Secretary of State administers foreign affairs.

24.Coordinate v.调和

If we coordinate our efforts we should be able to defeat the enemy.

25.Deprive v.剥夺

They deprived the criminal of his right to vote.

26.Heritage n.遗产

Many foreigners say that Chinese have a great cultural heritage.

27.Insert v.插入

He inserted the key into the lock, but found it was a wrong key.

28.Irritate v.激怒

When she has a headache, the slightest noise irritates her.

29.Legitimate adj.正当的

The boy couldn’t give a legitimate reason for being absent from school.

30.Margin n. 1.边缘 2.余裕

He made some important notes in the margin of the book.

Allow a margin of money for unexpected expenses.

31.Punctual adj.守时的

She’s never punctual in answering letters; she’s always late.

32.Restrain v.抑制

She could not restrain her curiosity to see what was in the box.

33.Sensitive adj.敏感的

The girl is very sensitive about her ugly appearance.

34.Significant adj.重大的

October 1, 1949, was a significant day for china.

35.Altar n.祭坛

The altars is the most sacred part of a church or temple.

36.Bounce n.反跃

I caught the ball on the first bounce.

37.Bugle n.号角 [bju:ɡl]

Bugles have been used in military forces for sounding calls and orders.

38.Charcoal n.炭

We cooked our food over burning charcoal.

39.Crisis n.危机

The patient passed the crisis, and began to regain his strength.

40.Deputy n.代理人

John will be my deputy while I am away.

41.Grind v.磨碎(成粉)

The stone was grind into dust.

42.Missionary n.传教士

The missionary will be sent to Africa to teach and spread Christianity基督教 there.

43.Premier n.首相

Winston Chichill is one of the well-known premiers of Great Britain.

44.Recruit n.新会员;新兵

The recruits were already given their uniforms, and now they are being drilled on the parade ground.

45.Salvation n.救助

He proposed government loans for the salvation of several shaky business companies.

46.Standstill n.停顿

When I was walking along the street, a car came to a standstill near me.

47.Trample v.践踏

The herd of wild cattle trampled the farmer’s crops.

48.Yoke n.支配

Slaves are under the yoke of their masters.



1.His failure to lock the door was a serious _____ .

2.Just before Christmas there are _____ of people in the streets .

3.We were all _____ to learn that you had passed the examination .

4.Bananas are _____ fruit ; apples are not .

5.A ship with all its sails is a(an) _____ sight .

6.A swimmer should _____ the movements of his arms and legs .

7.The people _____ the cruel king of his power , and drove him out of the country ,

8.New _____ to our music club are always welcome .

9.They _____ the eggshells to powder and give it to the hens with their food .

10.The Battle of Waterloo was a(an) _____ in Napoleon’s career .

1. blunder 2. throngs 3. gratified 4. tropical 5.gallant 6. coordinate 7.deprived 8. recruits 9. grind 10.crisis
