乔布斯传 第443期:回到未来(1)(在线收听

   Back to the Future 回到未来

  The first great design triumph to come from the Jobs-Ive collaboration was the iMac, 乔布斯和艾弗搭档之后的第一个成功之作就是iMac,
  a desktop computer aimed at the home consumer market that was introduced in May 1998. 面向家用电子市场的台式计算机,于1998年5月问世。
  Jobs had certain specifications. It should be an all-in-one product, 此前,乔布斯对这个产品有明确的说明。它应该是一个一体化的产品,
  with keyboard and monitor and computer ready to use right out of the box. 键盘、显示器和主机被组合到一个简单的装置中,从箱子里面拿出来就能用。
  It should have a distinctive design that made a brand statement. 而且设计要独特,要能体现品牌文化。
  And it should sell for $1,200 or so. (Apple had no computer selling for less than $2,000 at the time.) 价格定在1200美元左右(当时苹果公司没有标价在2000美元以下的计算机)。
  "He told us to go back to the roots of the original 1984 Macintosh, an all-in-one consumer appliance," recalled Schiller. “他告诉我们,要回到1984年第一台Mac电脑那个设计理念,设计成一体式的消费电子产品。”席勒回忆道,
  "That meant design and engineering had to work together." “这就意味着设计部门和工程部门必须要通力合作。”
  The initial plan was to build a "network computer," a concept championed by Oracle's Larry Ellison, 最初的计划是开发一款“网络计算机”,这一概念得到了甲骨文公司的拉里·埃利森的支持,
  which was an inexpensive terminal without a hard drive that would mainly be used to connect to the Internet and other networks. 特指一种廉价的、没有硬盘驱动器的终端,主要用来连接互联网和其他网络。
  But Apple's chief financial officer Fred Anderson led the push to make the product more robust 但是苹果公司的首席财务官弗雷德·安德森认为,为了使产品更加动力强劲,
  by adding a disk drive so it could become a full-fledged desktop computer for the home. Jobs eventually agreed. 还是要增设一个磁盘驱动器,这样它就可以成为一台正式的家用台式计算机。乔布斯最终采纳了他的建议。