职场英文口语 第246期:展示新产品(2)(在线收听

   OK, here goes.Excuse me everyone, could you all gather round? 好了,我去了。打扰一下,大家能往一起聚聚吗?

  Our presentation is about to begin.I'll change the slides for you on the computer Paul. 我们的展示马上开始。我帮你切换幻灯片,保罗。
  I'm good with technology.Okey dokey. 我擅长这种技术工作。好吧。
  Ermm…ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to our presentation. 女士们,先生们,谢谢大家出席发布会。
  We have something very exciting to…ermm…show you and it's not a fruit…ha ha… 我们要展示一个非常精彩的产品,不过不是水果,哈哈。
  …and here it is – fresh from the factory – our plastic aubergine! 在这里,刚刚加工出来的塑料茄子!
  Anna, you're just in time. 安娜,你来的真及时。
  I know. I think I drank a bit too much last night and now I can't remember what to say. 我知道。我想我昨晚喝的有点多,现在想不起该说什么了。
  Well, you need to convince everyone that this is best product on the market and that it's something they really want. 你要让大家相信这是市场上最棒的产品,是他们真正想要的东西。
  You could say "We believe this high quality product is something your business needs" 你可以说“我们相信这款高质产品正是您业务所需。”