职场英文口语 第248期:展示新产品(4)(在线收听

   It shows you're serious about food.And it doesn't go mouldy. 这会显得您对食物的态度很认真。而且它不会发霉。

  Yes. We're taking orders today and… and…And? And what, Anna? 是的,您今天就可订单。而且……而且?而且什么,安娜?
  I don't know what to say next.Offer them a discount and a guarantee.Oh right. 我也不知道是什么了。给他们提供折扣和保证。好。
  If you place an order for more than 1,000, we can offer you a generous discount. 如果您订单数量超过1000,我们可提供优厚折扣。
  Plus, all our products come with a money-back guarantee.I like it! 而且所有产品都有退款保证。我喜欢!
  Well done Anna.She gave a clear presentation, and sounded enthusiastic about the product. 干得好,安娜。她的展示清晰明确,听起来对产品很有热情。
  Here's a reminder of some of the things she said. 下面一起回顾下她用到的表达方式。
  It is made of the highest quality plastic and I'm convinced it's something your business needs. 它由高质塑料做成,我想正是您业务所需。
  This product has been designed to the highest specifications.It's tough and durable. 这款产品符合最高规格设计。它坚固而耐用。
  It is the perfect decoration on any café or restaurant table. 它是咖啡馆或餐厅桌上的完美装饰。
  We can offer you a generous discount. 我们可提供优厚折扣。
  Plus, all our products come with a money-back guarantee. 而且所有产品都有退款保证。