外贸英语话题王 第26期:未约定的拜访(在线收听

   Abrupt appointment 未约定的拜访

  Good moming!  May I help you? 早上好!有什么为您效劳的么?
  Good morning! Is Mr. Smith in? I'm Cheng Jun from China National Petroleum Corporation. I'd like to see him. 早上好!请问史密斯先生在么?我是中石油的程军,我想见他.
  Do you have an appointment with Mr. Smith? 您和史密斯先生有预约么?
  Amm. No. I have an urgency to talk with him. 没有,我有紧急事情要和他谈谈。
  Wait a moment, please. I'll tell his secretary that you are here. 等一下。我告诉他的秘书你来了 。
  Thank you. 谢谢!
  I'm sorry. He is holding a meeting till ten o'clock. 抱歉,史密斯先生正在开会,得到十点会议才结束。
  It's nine o'clock now. And I wait for him. 现在是九点,我等他好了。