外贸英语话题王 第38期:商业合同(在线收听

   Business contract 商业合同

  Would you please explain for me what a business contract implies? 您能为我解释商业合同指什么吗?
  A contract is an agreement which is binding on both parties mutually. 合同就是彼此相互的协议。
  A contract might be formal or informal, oral or written. 一个合同可以是正式或者非正式的,口头的或者书面的。
  An implemented contract is one which has been fully executed by both sides;an executive contract is one which is going to be performed. 一个已执行的合同就是被双方完全执行;一个实施的合同是将被执行的合同。
  They are enforceable by laws and any pariy who defaults the contract may be sued and forced to make compensation. 双方都被法律约束着,任何一方违反了合同将受到起诉和强制做出赔偿。
  What are the purposes of contract? 合同的目的是什么?
  In an ordinary contract, the objective of a contract might be relatively simple, indicating the description of commodity price , quantity terms of payment and etc. 普通的合同中,其目标是相对简单的,指出了商品的品质、价格、质量、支付条款等,
  When we draft a contract, which points should we pay special attention to? 在签合同时,我们需要注意哪些?
  Well. First, make meaning clear by using concise forma language.  首先,通过清楚的正式语言来表明意思。
  Second, describe accurately the exact requirement.  其次准确描述要求最后。
  Finally, state clearly the permissible variation in quantity. 明晰地陈述可以允许的数量上的变动。