外贸英语话题王 第50期:资金筹措(在线收听

   Raise the capital 资金筹措

  Where on earth are we going to borrow at 3%? 我们将从哪里筹借到3%?
  We can borrow from a bank, the gross interest rate will be something like 7%.  我们可以从银行借到。毛利率是7%。
  With corporate tax at say 30%. 企业税是30%。
  We are only paying on 50% of this. 我们只支付其中的50%,
  There is still inflation to consider. 其中包含了通货膨胀率。
  You can knock off another 2% for that. 你可以从中扣除掉2%。
  We can borrow as much as we can. 尽我们所能借吗?
  Not quite,if we get too heavily in debt, the shares will tend to drop. 不完全是。如果我们负债太多,分红就会下降。
  How much loan capital can we safely raise then? 我们需要多少借贷资本以能保证分红?
  I would like to have notice of that question, 我会考虑这个问题。
  I will give you an answer in a week. 我将在一周内给你答案。