外贸英语话题王 第68期:公道的市场价格(在线收听

   A fair market price 公道的市场价格

  What's the price? 你们的价格是多少?
  I hope you'll quote us favorably. 希望你们能报优惠价。
  It's 800 US dollars per kilo CIFC five percent Hamburg. 汉堡到岸价每公斤800美元,含5%佣金。
  Frankly speaking, the price you offer is too high.  说实话,你们提供的价格太高了。
  We can't accept it. 我们无法接受。
  Why?  此话怎讲?
  This is a fair market price. 这是个公道的市场价格啊。
  It certainly is. 价格的确如此。
  Then what leads you to think that we have to reduce our price? 那么,是什么使你认为我们必须降价呢?
  Please tell me candidly. 请坦诚相告。
  I look at it this way: suppliers should be able to reduce their CIF price, even lower than their home price. 我是这样看的:供应商应尽量降低他们的到岸价,甚至低于其国内价格。
  We give you quotations on the same basis as we quote in the domestic market. 我们给你的价格和我们给国内的价格的基准是一样的。
  That's the point.  问题就在这里。
  Your overhead is in your domestic price, but it can't be carried in the CIF price. 贵公司的日常费用包含在你们的国内价格中,但这项费用不应计入到岸价中。
  But even with the over head out, the export overhead must be put in.  但即使剔除这项日常费用,出口日常费用还是得计入的。
  Finally, it comes to the same thing.  到最后其结果是一样的。
  Anyway, this is a quality item and should be sold on its value. 不管怎样,这项商品的价格应该以其品质而定。
  I wish you could make a reconsideration.  希望你会重新考虑.
  If you don't reduce your price, we won't purchase from you any more because there's plenty of other business offering here. 如果你方不减价,我们将不再从你方购买,因为这里有诸多报价可供选择。