向前一步:第123期 真实地表达自己的想法与情绪(19)(在线收听

   I thought I was being so efficient, 我以为这显得很有工作效率,

  but my colleague Tim Armstrong (who later became CEO of AOL) kindly pulled me aside one day to give me some advice. 但我的同事蒂姆·阿姆斯特朗(后来担任美国在线公司首席执行官)善意地把我叫到一边给我提了个建议。
  He told me that I should take a moment to connect with Omid before diving in. Since Omid and I were the only people in those meetings,  他说,既然只有我和奥米德两个人开会,那么在会前我应该先和他做一个简单的沟通与问候。
  it was clear who had mentioned this to Tim. 很显然是奥米德托蒂姆告诉我这一点的。
  I made the adjustment and started asking Omid how he was before leaping into my to-do list. 于是我做了些调整。之后,每次开会之前,我都会先问候奥米德最近怎么样。
  It was a good lesson. An all-business approach is not always good business. 这是一堂很好的课,只谈公事并不总是最佳的工作方式。
  It has been an evolution, but I am now a true believer in bringing our whole selves to work. 这种变化是飞跃性的。我现在相信,工作时最好能表现出完全的自我。
  I no longer think people have a professional self for Mondays through Fridays and a real self for the rest of the time. 我不再认为周一到周五我只能是“专业”的,其他时间我才能是“真实”的。
  That type of separation probably never existed, 工作和生活所谓的分离或许从来就不存在。
  and in today's era of individual expression, where people constantly update their Facebook status and tweet their every move, it makes even less sense. 在当今这个鼓励个性化表达的时代,人们都在不停地更新脸谱网上的状态,在推特上发布自己每一步的动向,所以将工作和生活完全分离就更没什么意义了。
  Instead of putting on some kind of fake "all-work persona," 我想,摘掉“永远在工作”的假面具,
  I think we benefit from expressing our truth, talking about personal situations, and acknowledging that professional decisions are often emotionally driven. 真实地表达自我、适当地谈论个人情况,并且承认自己的工作的确常受情绪的驱使,这会让我们从中获益。
  I should have learned this lesson years earlier. 也许我在多年前就已经明白了这个道理。
  When I was graduating from business school in 1995, Larry Summers offered me a job at Treasury. 当我1995年从商学院毕业时,拉里·萨默斯给了我在财政部工作的机会。
  I wanted the job desperately, but there was an issue: I did not want to move back to D.C., where my soon-to-be ex-husband lived.  我很想去那里工作,但有一个问题:我不想搬回华盛顿,因为我的准前夫就住在那里。