外贸英语话题王 第118期:仲裁制度(在线收听

   Arbitration system  仲裁制度

  Some general arbitration institution can deal with some maritime arbitration work except a permanent maritime arbitration institution in America.  在美国,作为常设仲裁机构,由仲裁海事纠纷的美国海运集会所,还有综合性的仲裁机构。
  Is that so in China? 在中国也是这样吗?
  Yes, for example, the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission is just such an institution. 是的。比如中国国际贸易促进会对外经济仲裁委员会就是这样的机构。
  Dose the dispute have to be arbitrated by Chinese arbitration authorities? 通过仲裁解决纠纷时,必须由中方的常设仲裁机构受理吗?
  It is up to the contract signed by two parties. 这要根据双方当事人的协议来决定。
  Dose that mean we can specify an arbitration institution after reaching an agreement by the two parties? 意思是双方达成仲裁协议时,就能够具体制定仲裁机构了?
  Yes, the standard arbitration institution stipulates the procedure of arbitration and keeps the name list of the arbitrators,  是的,常设仲裁机构规定了仲裁手续,还备有仲裁人名簿。
  once the arbitration organization is designated according to the regulation of the arbitration organ. 一旦制定了仲裁机构,将来产生了纠纷就可以根据仲裁机构的规则委托仲裁了。
  I see. Thank you. 我明白了。谢谢。