外贸英语话题王 第129期:通关手续(在线收听

   What are you planning to do after your graduation from college? 大学毕业了之后你打算做什么工作啊?

  Professor Wang, to be honest I do not have interests in my major now.  王老师,老实说,我不喜欢我目前的专业,
  I am quite interested in knowledge about customs.  我对海关的知识非常感兴趣。
  I prefer to become a civil servant in the customs field.  毕业之后我更想成为一名海关部门的公务员。
  That's why I came to your lecture. 这也是我来上您的课的原因。
  That's a fantastic idea.  这个想法很不错啊。
  To be a civil servant is very lofty and you can make your contribution to the country as well as the people. 当公务员是非常圣神的,你可以为国家和人民做出你自己的贡献。
  Thank you. But I am just interested in it.  谢谢老师,但是我只是感兴趣而已,
  Actually I have little knowledge about this field.  对海关的知识却是知之甚少。
  Could you supervise me a little bit? 您能稍微指导我一下吗 ?
  Of course. I'd love to. What exactly would you like to know? 当然可以,我非常乐意。你想了解些什么呢?
  I am especially keen on the customs clearance.  我对海关通关尤其感兴趣,
  Could you please first tell me the definition of customs clearance? 首先您能给我讲讲通关的概念吗?
  Yes, sure. It refers to the act that the people in charge of the inbound or outbound vehicles. 当然可以。海关对发货商呈交的单证和申请进出口货物、
  consignors and their agents or the owners of the items make a declaration to the customs about applying for the formalities for their import, export cargoes or items.  物品依法进行审核、查验、征收税费、批准进出口的全过程。
  And it also refers to the whole process in which the customs officers audit, inspect, collect duty, approve import or export of the documents and the cargo provided by the consignors. 通关是指进出境运输工具的负责人、货物收发货人及其代理人、物品的所有人向海关申请办理进出口货物、物品手续。
  That's the account for it. Then what are the official formalities in terms of customs clearance? 原来如此啊。那么,海关通关的官方手续都有哪些啊?
  The inbound or outbound passengers have to enter or depart from the place where a customs office is located  进出境旅客行李物品必须通过设有海关的地点进境或出境,
  so that their personal possessions and belongings can be supervised and managed by the customs office.  接受海关监管。
  Passengers ought to make declaration in accordance with the regulations.  旅客应按规定向海关申报。
  Except for the exemptions from inspections, the personal possessions and  belongings of passengers must be examined and released by the Customs.  除法规规定免验者外,进出境旅客行李物品应交由海关规定查验放行,
  Passengers who bring articles which have to be declared ought to hand in the China Customs Declaration Form for Incoming Outgoing  旅客进出境携有需向海关申报的物品,应在申报台前向海递交 《中华人民共和国海关进出境旅游行李物品申报单》
  Passengers or the declaration document the customs specifies to the declaration counter. 或海关规定的申报单证,按规定如实申报其行李物品,报请海关办理物品进境或出境手续。
  Amazing. There are so many regulations and stipulations. 真是不可思议、竟然有这么多的规章制度,
  I never thought it that way before. 我以前从来没有想过,
  It seems that being a customs officer is not an easy task.  看来当一名海关部门的公务员可不是一件容易的差事,
  It is very challenging.  是很有挑战性的。
  I must study harder to make myself qualified for the post.  我必须更加努力才使白已有资格成为一名合格的海关公务员。
  Then I have one more question.  我还有一个问题,
  On what basic principle is it based for customs officers to inspect the passengers' luggage and articles? 海关官员是基于什么样的基本原则来对旅客的行李物品进行检查的呢?
  The basic principle the customs uses to examine the luggage and arlicles of the passengers  海关验收进出境旅客行李物品,
  is for personal use and in reasonable quantities, to stipulate different scope and different duty limitations for difterent passengers' belongings. 以自用合理数量为原则,对不同类型的旅客行李物品规定不同的范嗣和征收税限量或限值。
  I get it. Thank you so much.  我明白了,非常感谢您王老师。
  I understand that there is still a long way for me to go if I want to become a competent civil servant in the customs. 我明白了一点,我要想成为一名合格的海关公务员还有很多知识要学习。
  I can see that you are a very promising student.  你是个很有前途的学生。
  I have full confidence in you that you will make your dream come true. 我很看好你,你的梦想也一定会实现的。