外贸英语话题王 第143期:税务登记(在线收听

   Tax registration  税务登记

  My company is a foreign investment group, and I would like to make tax registration.  我们是一家外国投资集团公司,我们要进行税务登记。
  No problem. Could you please pass me your business license?  没问题啊。请出示一下营业执照。
  Sure, here it is.  好的,请看。
  First I have a question, in what field or fields is your company engaged?  首先请回答我一个问题。贵公司是从事哪些领域的?
  Our enterprise is engaged in advertising field, is that matter? 我们公司是从事广告方面的业务。这和税务登记有什么关系吗?
  Please fill out this Registration Form over there, the green one.  请填写一下那边的表格,那个绿色的。
  Excuse me; I have done with the form. What should I do next?  打扰一下,我已经填写完这份表格了,接下来我要怎么做呢?
  Go to the next window with this registration form and the staff members there will tell you what other materials you will have to hand in.  带着这份表格到下一个窗口,那里的工作人员会告诉你还需要提供哪些材料。
  OK, thank you. By the way, how much fee should I pay for the registration?  好的,非常感谢。对了,顺便问一下,税务登记需要交多少钱?
  It's free of charge.  是免费的。