职场英文口语 第253期:裁员(4)(在线收听

 So it's not good news.Anyway Anna, Mr Socrates wants to know if you got his special message? 所以这不是好消息。总之安娜,苏格拉底先生想知道你收到他的特殊消息了吗?

Special message? The flowers! ?That's strange. Why is Mr Socrates sending you flowers? 特殊消息?你说那些花?真奇怪。苏格拉底先生为什么给你送花?
It is a bit strange.Anyway, Paul's news has come as a shock for everyone. 的确很奇怪。不过保罗的消息让大家很吃惊。
Here are some of the phrases Mr Socrates used to break the bad news. 下面是苏格拉底先生讲述坏消息时用到的表达。
I've been doing a strategic review of the company. 我一直在对公司做战略评估。
I need to downsize.I need you to step aside. 我需要裁员。我需要你让位。
The company needs a new direction and more dynamic leadership. 公司需要新方向及强有力的领导。
You are surplus to requirement. 你现在很多余。