乔布斯传 第445期:回到未来(3)(在线收听

 By the next showing Ive had refined the playful model. 在下一次展示之前,艾弗又完善了这个模型。

This time Jobs, with his binary view of the world, raved that he loved it. 这一次,乔布斯带着他那“不是杰作就是狗屎”的评判标准喊着说他喜欢。
He took the foam prototype and began carrying it around the headquarters with him, 他带着泡沫模型在总部到处走,
showing it in confidence to trusted lieutenants and board members. 充满信心地向他信赖的中层和董事会成员们展示。
In its ads Apple was celebrating the glories of being able to think different, 苹果公司一直在广告中宣传自身所做的一切都“非同凡想”。
yet until now nothing had been proposed that was much different from existing computers. 然而直到那时,也没有人提出过什么东西让苹果计算机区别于市面上的其他计算机。
Finally, Jobs had something new. The plastic casing that Ive and Coster proposed was sea-green blue, 这一次,乔布斯终于有了新玩意儿。艾弗和柯斯特提出要把机箱塑料外壳设计成海蓝色,
later named bondi blue after the color of the water at a beach in Australia, 之后这种颜色被命名为“邦迪蓝”,灵感来自澳大利亚的邦迪海滩,
and it was translucent so that you could see through to the inside of the machine. 而且外壳是半透明的,你可以看到机器内部。
"We were trying to convey a sense of the computer being changeable based on your needs, to be like a chameleon," said Ive. “我们想要传递一种感觉,就是计算机能够根据我们的需求而改变,就像变色龙那样。”艾弗说,
"That's why we liked the translucency. You could have color but it felt so unstatic. And it came across as cheeky." “这就是我们喜欢半透明的原因。虽然有固定的颜色,却又不呆板,可以一眼看到里面,有种调皮的感觉。”