大家说英语 第459期:超市选购(2)(在线收听

 OK, I have everything for the cheesecake. What's on your shopping list? 好的,我已经买到了制作奶酪蛋糕所需的所有东西。你的购物清单上是什么?

Well, I need cereal and milk. 恩,我需要一些谷类食品和牛奶。
What else? 还有吗?
I want some apples and bananas. I need some bread, some lettuce and carrots. 我想要一些苹果和香蕉。还需要一些面包、生菜和胡萝卜。
Oh! Thanks for reminding me! I need some bread, too. 哦!多谢提醒我!我也需要一些面包。
Let's go to the bakery section and choose some. 那我们就一起去烘焙区挑一些吧。
Yes. Then we can get your fruit and vegetables. 好的。然后我们再去买你的水果和蔬菜。
Hi, Linda. Did you buy lots of things at the grocery store? 嗨,琳达。你在杂货店买了很多东西吗?
Yes, I did. Smith's Supermarket has a lot of food and other things. I often shop there. 是的。史密斯超市有很多食品和其他东西。我经常在那里购物。
What's the difference between a supermarket and a grocery store? 一家超市和一家杂货店的区别是什么?
A grocery store is smaller than a supermarket. And supermarkets sell many different kinds of food. 杂货店比起超市来说要小一些。并且超市会卖许多不同种类的食品。
So you have more choices at a supermarket. 所以你在超市里会有更多选择。
Did you get a piece of Taylor's cheesecake, Ben? 本,你有没有拿到一块儿泰勒的奶酪蛋糕。
No, I didn't. 我没拿到。
You didn't? That's too bad. It was really good. 你没拿到?太遗憾了。味道真的很好。
I know! Because I got two pieces of Taylor's cheesecake! 我知道!因为我拿到了两块儿泰勒的奶酪蛋糕!
You must like cheesecake! 你一定很喜欢奶酪蛋糕!
I do. I buy it at the supermarket sometimes. I buy ice cream to eat with it. 是的。我有时候会在超市买。我会买冰激凌,和蛋糕搭配着吃。
Really? That's too much dessert for me! 真的吗?对我来说这甜食的量有点儿太大了!