
 Cougars bring extra people late, but Luck has time, and Winslow is crushed. I hope he's all right. Cougars带了大批人马,但是已经晚了,Luck现在有机会了,Winslow被撞了,希望他还好。

Top of your screen, you'll see him come on just this little post route, get separation, safety. 请留意屏幕上方,他好像沿着一条小小的路线冲过去,被撞到弹开了,幸好没大碍。
Here it comes at you in real speed. You'll hear this. The hit delivered by -- 听说只有在这里才会感受到真正的速度。交由命运安排--
Sorry, three times is probably a little excessive there. But you get the idea. 抱歉,放了三次可能有点儿多,但你应该会看明白。
So when you look at just the film here, pretty much the only thing you can see is he got hit really hard and he was hurt. 当你看这段影片时,你可能只会看出他被击打得很严重,他受伤了。
But when we extract the data out of the mouthguard that he was wearing, 但当我们从他戴的牙套中提取到数据后,
we can see much more detail, much richer information. 我们可以看到更多细节、更多信息。
And one of the things that we noticed here is that he was struck in the lower left side of his face mask. 我们可以注意到,他的左下侧面罩被击中。
And so that did something first that was a little counterintuitive. His head did not move to the right. 所以有点违反直觉的是,他的头并没有向右移。
In fact, it rotated first to the left. 相反,它首先向左旋转。
Then as the neck began to compress, the force of the blow caused it to whip back to the right. 接着颈部开始弯曲,最后这一下击打的力度才让头部向右移动。
So this left-right motion was sort of a whiplash-type phenomenon, and we think that is probably what led to the brain injury. 这样的左右移动是鞭打现象的一种,我们认为也许是这样的移动造成了脑损伤。