听歌学英语:追逐繁星 Chasing All The Stars(在线收听

There's a letter sealed and unopened for you 有一封给你的信,
All the words that I can't seem to get out in person字里行间藏着我不能亲口说出来的话
I'm bad with that but you know that all too well你知道的,我不擅言辞
There's a moment set aside for you 有一个瞬间,专门为你而留
But I'll probably neglect to reach out to you again但我可能会忘记再次联系你
It's harder now and you're all I've got情势越来越糟,而你是我的一切
Whoa, caught in my own scheme受限于自制蓝图
Whoa, stuck in a bad dream被困于无尽梦魇
Where I keep calling you but there's no answer梦境里我苦苦唤你,却不得回音
Just a multitude of questions left to chance 无数问题,就让命运去解答吧
And I don't know why you keep saying things will be alright我也不解为何你一直说,诸事终将无恙
I know these storms will come. Let it rain. Let it pour on me.风雨欲来,就让它大雨倾盆,就让我接受风雨的洗礼吧
You're my umbrella in a raging sea怒海狂澜,有你做我的保护伞
I won't give in to the insanity, chasing all the stars我不会疯狂,去追逐繁星
There's a silence staring me down死寂直勾勾地盯着我
If I could see you I bet I'd break in hal 若能再次见你,死不足惜
But there's a disconnect, I can see it's tearing us apart 但是断了联系,我们渐行渐远
There's a promise I made that I can't keep有一句誓言,我无法兑现
All my regret testifies that I am满腔悔恨再次证明
Far from flawless always reckless, can I borrow your forgiveness我轻率鲁莽,远算不上完美。你能否谅解?
I say I need some space but all we've got are我曾要求更多私人空间,但现在我们之间 -
Whoa, oceans between us架着隔开彼此的汪洋大海
Whoa, separating还在继续扩张裂开
And I keep calling you but there's no answer我苦苦唤你,却未曾听到任何回音
Just a multitude of questions left to chance只在心底留下一串未解之谜
And I don't know why you keep saying things will be alright我也不解为何你一直说,诸事终将无恙
I know these storms will come, let it rain let it pour on me我深知前方风雨将临,就让它更加猖狂,倾倒在我身上
You're my umbrella in a raging sea怒海狂澜,有你做我的保护伞
I won't give in to the insanity, chasing all the stars 我不会疯狂,去追逐繁星

chase: v
to run, drive, etc. after sb/sth in order to catch them 追赶;追逐- (after)
The kids chased each other around the kitchen table. 孩子们围着厨房的桌子相互追逐嬉戏。
He chased after the burglar but couldn't catch him. 他去追那个盗贼,但是还是让他给跑了。

to try to obtain or achieve sth, for example money, work or success 努力获得;争取得到
Too many people are chasing too few jobs nowadays. 如今有太多的人在角逐寥寥无几的工作职位。
The team is chasing its first win in five games. 这支队伍正全力争取获得五场比赛的首场胜利。

~ (after) sb (informal) 追求;求爱
Girls are always chasing him. 姑娘们总是在追求他。
Kevin's been chasing after Jane for months. 凯文几个月来一直在追求简。

n 追赶;追捕;追逐
The thieves were caught by police after a short chase. 经过短暂追捕,小偷被警察擒获。
We lost him in the narrow streets and had to give up the chase (= stop chasing him) . 我们在狭窄的街道上被他甩掉,不得不放弃对他的追捕。
Three teams are involved in the chase for the championship. 有三支队在角逐冠军。
They took an invincible lead in the chase for the championship.他们在冠军争夺赛中居于不可动摇的领先地位。

cut to the chase不绕圈子直截了当地说;开门见山;说重点
(很多人都知道chase这个词解释“追赶”。Cut to the chase这个习惯用语来自好莱坞电影。很多电影里最精彩的片断是跟踪追击的场面,都相当扣人心弦,被认作是影片的重要环节。当导演说: cut to the chase,也就是把摄影镜头切换到追踪场面。换句话说是进行最重要的摄制工作。)
Right, let's cut to the chase. How much is it going to cost? 对啦,咱们开门见山吧。这要多少钱?

n 计划;方案;体系;体制
Under the new scheme only successful schools will be given extra funding. 在新体制下,只有办得好的学校才可获得额外经费。
They would first have to work out some scheme for getting the treasure out 他们首先得想个法子把财宝取出来。

n 阴谋;诡计;计谋
The evil queen schemed to kill the little princess with poison. 邪恶的皇后密谋毒死小公主。
He always feels that all his colleagues are scheming against him. 他总是觉得他的同事们都在算计他。

scheme of things人生的安排; (世界万物的)格局
He did not quite know how to place women in his scheme of things.他不太清楚在自己的人生安排中应把女人摆在什么位置。
We realize that we are infinitely small within the scheme of things.我们认识到在大千世界中我们不过沧海一粟。

scheming adj. 惯搞阴谋的,诡计多端的,狡诈的
You're a scheming little devil, aren't you? 你是个诡计多端的小魔鬼,对不对?
