
 I want to show you some brave souls who've had the courage to embrace this advanced potty training approach. 我想要给你们展示这些英勇地灵魂,就是那些有勇气去拥抱这种先进如厕技术地人们。

So those folks in New Mexico -- why did they do it? 所以这些在新墨西哥州地人们--他们为什么要这么做呢?
'Cause they're in a desert? 'Cause they save money? Yeah.  因为他们身处沙漠之中吗?是为了省钱吗?当然。
But more importantly, they felt comfortable seeing what was going down the toilet as a resource. 但更重要地是他们会因为目睹卷入厕所的是一种资源而感到更舒心。
Here's an average house in Portland, Oregon.  这是在俄勒冈州,波特兰市的一个普通房子,
This house is special because they have a composting toilet  唯一特别之处是拥有一个堆粪厕所。
turning all their poo and pee, over time, into a soil amendment.  能够逐渐把所有排泄物变为土壤改良剂。
Their wash water, their shower water, is going underground to a series of mulch basins, 产生的洗手水,洗澡水都会进入地下,进入一系列封闭槽中,
and then watering that orchard downhill.  然后用于灌溉山下的果园。
When they went to get this permitted, it wasn't allowed in Oregon. 当他们去申报这个项目时,被俄勒冈州所禁止了。
But it was allowed in five other states nearby.  但却在相邻的五个州得到通过。
That was Recode's -- my organization's -- first code-change campaign.  那是我所在的组织“科技投资新闻资讯网”的第一次修该条例运动。
Here's a great example where the Integrated Water Management approach was the cheapest. 这有一个水资源综合治理的很好的例子,它也是最便宜的方法。
This is three high-rise residential buildings in downtown Portland, and they're not flushing to the sewer system. 这是波特兰市中心的三栋高层住宅楼,它们不会因为谈及下水系统感到脸红。
How? Well, their wash water is getting reused to flush toilets, cool mechanical systems, water the landscape. 这怎么说?嗯,他们的洗澡水会被再利用去冲马桶,冷却机械系统,还有浇灌景观植物。
And then once the building has thoroughly used everything -- aka, shat in it -- 当整栋楼已经充分利用了所有的东西,就是曾经的粪便们
it's treated to highest standard right on-site by plants and bacteria, and then infiltrated into the groundwater right below. 他们已经被植物和细菌净化过了,才会进入正下方的地下水系统。
And all that was cheaper than updating the surrounding sewer infrastructure. 这一切要比更新周围的污水基础设施要便宜很多。
So that's the last reason we should get really excited about doing things differently: we can save a lot of money. 所以我们来到了应该为改变而感到激动的最后一个原因:我们可以节省一大笔钱。