大家说英语 第463期:火车旅行(1)(在线收听

 Susie, can you help me? 苏西,你能帮帮我吗?

Sure, Alex. What do you need? 当然了,阿莱克斯。你有什么需要?
I want to buy Linda a surprise gift. I treated her badly, and I want to make it up to her. 我想给琳达买一个礼物让她惊喜一下。之前我对她不太好,我想补偿一下。
Ah, yes. You were ignoring her because you were playing that smartphone game. 啊,是啊。由于你当时在玩儿手机游戏,所以忽视了她。
Exactly. So what should I get her? 没错。所以我应该送她什么?
Let me think... 让我想想...
I know! Linda loves trains. 我知道!琳达喜欢火车。
That's right! Linda loves the railway. 没错!琳达喜欢铁路。
So should I buy her a model train? 所以我应该给她买一个火车模型?
No. She loves taking trains. Take her on a train trip. 不。她喜欢坐火车。带她来一趟火车旅行吧。
That's a really good idea. 真是个好主意。
You could take her on an old train. 你可以带她坐一趟老火车。
That's perfect! Linda will love that. Thanks, Susie. 完美!琳达会喜欢的。谢谢你,苏西。
Wow, Alex. This train is wonderful! 哇,阿莱克斯。这列火车真棒!
It is. It first ran in 1944. 是啊。它是在1944年第一次行驶的。
And we're taking it now in 2016. That's amazing! Thank you so much for buying these tickets, Alex. 我们现在在2016年搭乘它。太令人吃惊了!阿莱克斯,非常感谢你买这些票。
You're welcome, Linda. 别客气,琳达。
This is all so exciting. What station are we arriving at next? 这一切太令人激动了。下一站我们要到的是哪里?
I'm not sure. Let me take a look. 我不确定。让我看一看。