大家说英语 第465期:偷三明治的贼(在线收听

 I am sitting at my desk. It is lunch time. 我坐在我的桌子前面。现在是午饭时间。

The window is open. I hear someone yelling. 窗户开着。我听到有人在叫喊。
"Jingle Beard! Where are you?" he says. “Jingle Beard!你在哪里?”那个人说道。
"What kind of name is Jingle Beard?" I think. “Jingle Beard是个什么名字?”我这样想。
I have a delicious sandwich on my desk. 我的桌子上有一个美味的三明治。
It is a B.L.T. It has bacon, lettuce, and tomato in it. 是个B.L.T三明治。里面有培根,生菜,番茄。
I'm hungry. But first I need a drink from the break room. 我很饿。但是我要先去休息室拿个饮料。
I leave the sandwich on my desk and walk to the break room. 于是我把三明治放在了桌子上,走向休息室。
On the way, I hear a sound. But it's nothing. 在去的路上,我听到了一个声音。不过没有什么事情。
I get to the break room. What a mess! There's garbage on the floor! 我到了休息室。真够乱的!地上都是垃圾!
Someone took the garbage out of the garbage can. 有人把垃圾从垃圾箱里翻了出来。
Who does that? I put the garbage back and wash my hands. 是谁做的呢?我把垃圾丢回了垃圾箱,然后洗了洗手。
I take my drink from the refrigerator. 之后我从冰箱中拿出了我的饮料。
When I get to my desk, my sandwich is gone! 当我回到桌前的时候,我的三明治不见了!
Well, most of my sandwich. 恩,是大部分三明治。
There is a little lettuce and some bread on the floor. 地上还有一小部分生菜和面包。
I look around. I see black hair on my chair. 我四处看了看。我发现我的椅子上有黑色的毛发。
Then I hear a noise outside my office. 然后我听到办公室外有一阵声响。
I follow the noise, and I find my sandwich thief. 我循着声响,发现了偷我三明治的小偷。
"This is your second mess today!" I say to him. 我对他说道:“这是你今天造成的第二场混乱了!”