
 So the question is, what is the next big idea for this generation? 那么问题来了,我们这一代的下一个大想法又是什么呢?

And I believe what comes next is for this generation to let go of fossil fuels for good, just as we did with the army. 我相信我们这一代,将会为了更好的环境放弃使用化石燃料,就像我们当初废除了军队一样。
Fossil fuels create climate change. 化石燃料造成了全球气候变化。
We know that, and we know how vulnerable we are to the impacts of climate change. 我们都知道这一点,也明白我们在面对气候变化所带来的影响时多么不堪一击。
So as a developing country, it is in our best interest 所以身在一个发展中国家,在建设过程中
to build development without fossil fuels that harm people in the first place. 摒弃化石燃料才是我们最好的选择,因为这本身就是在伤害我们自己。
Because why would we continue importing oil for transportation if we can use electricity instead? 因为当我们可以用电力来代替石油的时候,我们为什么要继续为了交通运输而进口石油?
Remember, this is the country where electricity comes from water in our rivers, 请记住,这是一个从江河的水流,
heat from volcanoes, wind turbines, solar panels, biowaste. 火山的炙热,风力发电机,太阳能板和生物废料中获取电能的国家。
Abolishing fossil fuels means disrupting our transportation system 放弃化石燃料意味着交通系统也必须跟着变革,
so that we can power our cars, buses and trains with electricity instead of dirty energy. 所以我们就可以用电能来发动私家车,公共汽车和火车,而不再是用会污染环境的石油。
And transportation, let me tell you, has become an existential issue for us Costa Ricans, 而且让我告诉你们,交通已经成为哥斯达黎加人生活中的一个麻烦了,
because the model we have is not working for us. 因为现在我们的交通模式并不适合我们。