乔布斯传 第452期:回到未来(10)(在线收听

   As always, Jobs was compulsive in preparing for the dramatic unveiling. 一直以来,乔布斯都会绞尽脑汁准备掲幕时那戏剧性的一刻。

  Having stopped one rehearsal because he was angry about the CD drive tray, 就在上次的预演因为CD托盘事件而中止之后,
  he stretched out the other rehearsals to make sure the show would be stellar. 他又预演了好几次,以确保在正式发布会上令人瞩目。
  He repeatedly went over the climactic moment when he would walk across the stage and proclaim, "Say hello to the new iMac." 他一次次地演练那个高潮时刻--他走到舞台另一边,掲开遮布,然后宣布:“向新的iMac问好吧。”
  He wanted the lighting to be perfect so that the translucence of the new machine would be vivid. 他要求灯光恰到好处,把iMac的半透明效果衬托得栩栩如生。
  But after a few run-throughs he was still unsatisfied, 但是在几次预演之后,他仍然不满意,
  an echo of his obsession with stage lighting that Sculley had witnessed at the rehearsals for the original 1984 Macintosh launch. 这也让人想起了1984年Mac电脑发布会预演时的那一幕,当时斯卡利目睹了他在舞台灯光上的纠结。
  He ordered the lights to be brighter and come on earlier, but that still didn't please him. 他要求把灯光再调亮一些,而且开得再提早一些,但是他始终不满意。
  So he jogged down the auditorium aisle and slouched into a center seat, draping his legs over the seat in front. 最后他走下舞台,坐在观众席正中央的位子上,把两条腿搭在前排的椅背上。
  "Let's keep doing it till we get it right, okay?" he said. “你们调吧,直到调好为止。”他说。