
   If you sucked all of the moisture out of your brain and broke it down to its constituent nutritional content, what would it look like? 如果将你大脑里所有的水分都吸干,然后按不同的营养成分进行分类,会是怎样呢?

  Most of the weight of your dehydrated brain would come from fats, also known as lipids. 脱水后,大脑的重量主要来自于脂肪,也被认为是脂质(Lipids)。
  In the remaining brain matter, you would find proteins and amino acids, traces of micronutrients, and glucose. 在剩余的物质中,你会发现蛋白质和氨基酸,微量营养素,以及葡萄糖。
  The brain is, of course, more than just the sum of its nutritional parts, 当然,大脑不仅仅是这些营养物质的简单相加,
  but each component does have a distinct impact on functioning, development, mood, and energy. 这些营养物质确实各有分工,影响着身体运作,机能发展,情绪变化及能量消耗。
  So that post-lunch apathy, or late-night alertness you might be feeling,  我们可能都有过,午饭后乏力易困或是夜幕已深我们仍难以入眠的经历,
  well, that could simply be the effects of food on your brain. 这些体验可能是食物对大脑产生的影响。
  Of the fats in your brain, the superstars are omegas 3 and 6. 大脑里的脂质中,Omegas-3和Omegas-6是其中的明星成员。
  These essential fatty acids, which have been linked to preventing degenerative brain conditions, must come from our diets. 这些人体必需的脂肪酸被认为能防止脑功能退化,它们必须通过食物才能摄取。
  So eating omega-rich foods, like nuts, seeds, and fatty fish, is crucial to the creation and maintenance of cell membranes. 所以,食用富含Omega脂肪酸的食物,比如坚果,食物种子,脂质含量较高的鱼类,对细胞膜生成和维护是非常关键的。
  And while omegas are good fats for your brain, long-term consumption of other fats, like trans and saturated fats, may compromise brain health. Omega这类脂质对大脑来说是有益脂肪,但长期食用其他脂质,比如反式脂肪和饱和脂肪却可能会危害脑部健康。
  Meanwhile, proteins and amino acids, the building block nutrients of growth and development, manipulate how we feel and behave. 此外,蛋白质和氨基酸也是身体机能增长和发展的基础营养要素,操纵着人类的感受与行为。
  Amino acids contain the precursors to neurotransmitters, 氨基酸含有构成神经递质的前体蛋白,
  the chemical messengers that carry signals between neurons, affecting things like mood, sleep, attentiveness, and weight. 神经递质是神经元之间传递信号的化学物质,会影响人类的情绪,睡眠,注意力,及体重。
  They're one of the reasons we might feel calm after eating a large plate of pasta, or more alert after a protein-rich meal. 这就是人们在吃了一大份意大利面后会变得镇定的原因之一,也是人们吃一顿富含蛋白质的晚餐后会很精神的原因。
  The complex combinations of compounds in food can stimulate brain cells to release mood-altering norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. 食物中复合物的的复杂组合会刺激大脑细胞释放影响情绪的降肾上腺素,多巴胺和血清素。
  But getting to your brain cells is tricky, and amino acids have to compete for limited access. 但它们想要进入脑部细胞并非易事,氨基酸还需抢占有限的通道以进入脑细胞。
  A diet with a range of foods helps maintain a balanced combination of brain messengers,  饮食结构多样化能帮助脑部传输元素数量平衡,相互协作,
  and keeps your mood from getting skewed in one direction or the other. 以保证你的情绪不会有偏向的波动。