
   The hypothalamus, the master controller of your hormones, releases something called corticotropin-releasing hormone. 下视丘是控制荷尔蒙的主宰,它会释放一种叫“促肾上腺皮质释放素”的物质。

  This triggers the pituitary gland, a pea-sized gland found at the base of the brain, to release adrenocorticotropic hormone 这会促进脑下垂体——这个你脑部深处豌豆般大的腺体释放促肾上腺皮质素,
  which then stimulates the adrenal gland sitting on top of the kidneys to release cortisol, the major stress hormone. 让它刺激肾脏上方的肾上腺,释放主要的压力荷尔蒙:肾上腺皮质醇。
  These natural chemicals are a great help when you need to run away quickly, 这种天然化合物可以让你跑得更快
  or do superhuman feats of courage, but when you're simply sitting, 或激发出超人般的勇气,但你若不为所动,
  these stress hormones collect in the body and affect your overall health. 荷尔蒙累积的结果会影响健康。
  Stress hormones increase inflammation in the body, suppress the immune system, 压力荷尔蒙促进发炎反应压抑免疫系统,
  which makes you more susceptible to infection by acne-causing bacteria, 这让你更容易受到造成粉刺的细菌感染,
  and can even increase oil production in the skin. 也会增加皮肤油脂的分泌。
  And this is the perfect storm for forming a pimple. 这些加起来就是产生青春痘的完美组合。
  Cortisol is a major stress hormone involved in making skin cells churn out oily lipids from special glands called sebaceous glands. 肾上腺皮质醇让皮肤细胞从皮脂腺分泌油脂。
  But when there's too much of these oily lipids, called sebum, 若是这些皮脂累积太多就会堵在分泌口造成肿胀发炎,
  they can plug up the swollen, inflamed pores and trap the pesky, acne-causing bacteria inside, 并将讨厌的会造成粉刺的细菌包在里面,
  where they set up house and thrive. 细菌就会在此繁衍。
  Add a dash of inflammatory neuropeptides released by the nervous system when you're, well, nervous, and angry zits follow. 再加上你紧张时神经系统释放和发炎相关的神经肽,就会造成青春痘。
  To make matters worse, Justin is a boy, meaning he's got more testosterone than girls. 雪上加霜的是,身为男性,贾斯汀的睾丸素比女生多。
  Testosterone is another hormone that increases oil production in the skin. 睾丸素是另一种促进皮肤油脂分泌的荷尔蒙。
  So, his already oily skin, together with a boost in oil and inflammation from stress, 所以他的皮肤本来就很油,再加上压力促进发炎反应和出油,
  is the perfect environment for bacteria to swell, swell, swell up into a major zit. 就形成了细菌的温床并肿胀成一颗大痘痘。
  So what could've Justin done to avoid the big pimple? 贾斯汀该如何避免长青春痘呢?
  Stressful situations are unavoidable. 压力环境无可避免。
  But we can try to change our responses so that we're not so stressed in the end. 但是我们可以改变心境让自己减少感受到的压力。
  And had he been confident in approaching her, she might not have noticed the pimple, or he might not have had one. 而他若是自信地走向她,她可能就不会注意到他脸上的痘痘,或者他脸上根本不会长痘痘。