
   Something called the Danish Twin Study  一个叫“丹麦双胞胎”的研究表明,

  established that only about 10 percent  普通人在生物学允许的限度内的寿命,
  of how long the average person lives,  仅仅有百分之十
  within certain biological limits, is dictated by our genes.  是由我们的基因决定的。
  The other 90 percent is dictated by our lifestyle.  另外的百分之九十则取决于我们的生活方式。
  So the premise of Blue Zones: if we can find the  因此,对蓝区研究的前提是:如果我们能找到
  optimal lifestyle of longevity  长寿的最佳生活方式,
  we can come up with a de facto formula  我们就可以得出一个实际的
  for longevity.  长寿公式。
  But if you ask the average American what the optimal formula  但是,如果你问个普通的美国人,最佳的
  of longevity is, they probably couldn't tell you.  长寿公式是什么,他们就有可能答不上来。
  They've probably heard of the South Beach Diet, or the Atkins Diet.  他们也许听说过南海岸饮食法,或者阿特金斯饮食法。
  You have the USDA food pyramid.  你见过农业部的食物金字塔
  There is what Oprah tells us.  奥普拉会这么说
  There is what Doctor Oz tells us.  欧兹博士会那么说?
  The fact of the matter is there is a lot of confusion  但是我们真的很困惑
  around what really helps us live longer better.  什么东西才真的能使我们更健康长寿。
  Should you be running marathons or doing yoga?  你应该跑马拉松,还是练瑜伽?
  Should you eat organic meats  是该食用有机肉制品呢?
  or should you be eating tofu?  还是该吃豆腐?
  When it comes to supplements, should you be taking them?  需不需要服用滋补品,
  How about these hormones or resveratrol?  激素,或者白藜芦醇?
  And does purpose play into it?  还有,能否达到食用这些东西的目的?
  Spirituality? And how about how we socialize?  我们的信仰呢?我们与他人的交往呢?这些重要吗?
  Well, our approach to finding longevity  我们找到健康长寿秘诀的研究方法是
  was to team up with National Geographic,  与《国家地理》杂志
  and the National Institute on Aging,  和国家老龄化研究院的研究人员合作?
  to find the four demographically confirmed areas  找出四个人口统计学信息确切的
  that are geographically defined.  并且有明确的地理界线的地区?
  And then bring a team of experts in there  然后带领一组专家到这些地区
  to methodically go through exactly what these people do,  仔细分析在那里生活的人们做些什么
  to distill down the cross-cultural distillation.  提取出跨越文化的健康长寿真谛?
  And at the end of this I'm going to tell you what that distillation is.  在我的报告的最后,我会揭晓这些真谛?
  But first I'd like to debunk some common myths  但首先,我想戳穿一些常见的
  when it comes to longevity.  关于长寿的谣言。